About 周公解梦&星座查询
《周公解梦》是一款帮助对梦境做出解释,并预估生活吉凶的小软件。本系统所有关于梦境解释的文字内容均来自互联网,在此要特别告诫各位网友,本系统仅供生活参考和娱乐,不能作为为人处世之标准,所谓人生,还是好靠大家各自去体验和创造。谢谢大家,欢迎大家对软件的使用提出各种批评意见,我们一定虚心接受并努力改造。 "Dream Dictionary" is a help to explain the dream, and estimated life good and bad small software. All of the system's text on dream interpretation from the Internet, in particular, like to warn you friends, this system is only for reference of life and entertainment, not as a standard of interaction with others, the so-called life, or good on everybody to experience and create. Thank you, and welcome to use of the Software with a variety of criticisms, we must humbly accept and strive to transform.