About Robison Crusoe libro gratis
Robinson Crusoe, obra de Daniel Dafoe
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Sinopsis de la obra
Las Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe constituye una novela emblemática y un auténtico clásico de la literatura de aventuras. Es la historia de un hombre que abandonando los sabios consejos y enseñanzas recibidos de sus padres se hace a la mar y naufraga. Sin embargo, el ir a parar a una isla desierta no lo convierte en un animal desesperado por el infortunio, sino que le hace encontrarse consigo mismo. En la soledad del océano descubre su capacidad para sobrevivir en un medio hostil, a Dios y a si mismo.
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It includes a biography of the author
Includes a section requests and suggestions, if you want a book just you have to ask us and we will try to get it.
Synopsis of the work
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is an emblematic novel and a true classic of adventure literature. It is the story of a man who abandoned the wise counsel and teachings received from their parents is made to the sea and capsizes. However, going to stop to a desert island does not make a desperate animal for misfortune, but he does find himself. In the solitude of the ocean discovers his ability to survive in a hostile environment, to God and to himself.
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