PolarisGo for Android
Personalize Your Feed
The latest and most popular videos from the entire Polaris Network is available right on your phone. Add your favorite games, shows or Polaris talent to create your own personalized feed. The latest videos get pushed directly into your feed.
Playlist Videos
The playlist lets you binge watch all of the PolarisGo videos. Launched directly from the main feed or from within the video player the playlist let’s you watch your videos uninterrupted and at your convenience.
Share with Your Friends
The PolarisGo app makes it easy to share videos to your network. Posting to Facebook or Twitter is easy with just a swipe and click and texting to your friends is simple. Sharing PolarisGo videos is a great way to let your friends in on all the latest from the Polaris Network.
It has tons of stuff!
Doesn't even function
Look up
Hard to navigate otherwise amazing
This thing is awesome!
It's a simpler version than using your web browser, nothing too much to say other than there's no option to sign in, but it's really not much of an issue.
Could make it easier to save series you like and fix the weird upload date glitch that says everything was uploaded 50 years ago, but mostly a good app
Barbie and her friends can my tail
It's a bit lagy and really slow
Very unrefined and disheveled. UI is lacking.
The DailyByte and Co-Optional Podcast, Animated or otherwise make this app worth having on your device.
Get Cox and crendor in the morning
good app!
by S####:
It doesn' even play the videos.