About Official Yoctocosmos
Don't download it if you are not members, the network is not completly ready yet !!!
You've already received your parameters of connection, unfortunately often hosted in your junkmail, sorry we are not responsible !!!
International Who's Who as a ultra high-end social network on selection, composed of members from the powerful think-tanks and the + influentials, including luxury and exceptional sales, high level business required, the international economy and politics....
Be finess, never take any 1st degree, show intelligence and back, do not get into a conflict that you are not concerned (do not associate personal conflicts involving others), do not wash not your dirty linen in public, do not judge when you do not know etc ...
Have a sense of sharing, exchange and synergy. Do not just take, be able to give. No ethnic or social racism. No rejection because your neighbor does not necessarily not share their religious views / policies, verbal violence ... A little flexibility and tolerance please. Yocto selects regardless of social or ethnic origin, religious or political member. You must acquire enough finesse to be able to establish healthy interactions between members.
The virtual is different from reality, notice it !!!!
To succeed in being noticed through any social network, do not play the snob, we do not like it. Be accessible and simple.
People of a certain rank do not need to prove themselves, so do not try to impress (this tactic will never work with us anyway), or any other behavior frowned upon. Know sharing, networking know then.... we are networkers, regulars, we know perfectly well choose!
Yocto is an ultra clean network and will remain so. Aware of the difficulty to join the network because it is not possible to register, or to be invited, the input on sponsorship application is based on a random admins, divisible by 7 majority, finished by a system blackboulle.
Rarely selected on invitation by a member of the management team Yoctocosmos (which anyway is still verified, validated or postponed by the Presidency, which implies a unanimous admission or only one adjournment).
We will integrate Pheme and NameTag in our verification settings. The network provides 100% true profiles and informations checked as possible.
Free email providers are generally not taken into account (unless they have been checked by our security system to authenticate the actual owner).
Your address @msn.com, @caramail.com @ifrance.com, @rocketmail @me.com, @mac.com, @yahoo, @googlemail,@ gmail, @hotmail, @mail.ru, @laposte, info@, contact@, webmaster@, pr@, president@, secretariat@, @aol, @mail.com, email@, @worldonline.com, press@, 12345@ .... will generally be denied unless authenticated evidence. This is to avoid any fake profiles.
Spam and collection contacts are prohibited if people do not know you outside of your professional setting. The robot will void your query request connections and can temporarily block / permanently without any notification, after 3 to 5 times your profile. Give meaning to your networking and spend real money with your new contacts !!!
Little tip, use other platforms to get in touch with the person sought you do not know in real. Yocto on, it should not deny you if you finally know.
Maybe you selected. Do not make any mistaken, you can be yourself !!!!