About Guide Codapay
Is there a joining expense, setup charge, or least volume prerequisite?
No, we don't charge any joining or setup expenses, and we force no base volume necessity. In the event that outpayments are made to a ledger outside Singapore, a global bank exchange charge will apply.
What is the reconciliation procedure?
Dealers coordinate against Coda's API or insert our Android SDK, and one designer can commonly total a mix in two or three days. We give a solitary API to all nations and installment diverts in which we work, so it's anything but difficult to initiate different installment directs in numerous business sectors. To make the procedure much less demanding, Coda gives test code in a scope of dialects, and offers combination support to engineers in English, Mandarin, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia.
Read more about how you can execute Codapay.
What installment channels would it be advisable for me to execute for the items that I'm wanting to offer in Southeast Asia?
If you don't mind allude to the installment scene reviews that we've arranged for Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore for an extensive outline. Is there a joining expense, setup charges, or least the prerequisite volume?
No, we do not charge any joining or setup expenses, and we force no base volume of necessity. In the event that outpayments are made to a ledger outside Singapore, a global exchange bank charge will apply.
What is the reconciliation procedure?
Dealers coordinate against Coda's API or insert our Android SDK, and one designer can commonly total of a mix in two or three days. We give a solitary API to all nations and diverts installment in the which we work, so it's anything but difficult to initiate different directs installment in numerous business sectors. To make the procedure much less demanding, Coda Gives test code in a scope of dialects, and offers combination of support to engineers in English, Mandarin, Korean, and Indonesian.
Read more about how you can execute Codapay.
What channels installment would it be advisable for me to execute for the items that I'm wanting to offer in Southeast Asia?
If you do not mind installment scenes allude to the reviews that we've arranged for Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore for an extensive outline.