About InterArq Casa
A InterArq Casa é uma revista semestral voltada aos segmentos de arquitetura, decoração e paisagismo do Interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Com material diferenciado, tiragem elevada, diagramação clean e fotos de alta qualidade, a publicação vem para mostrar o que interior de São Paulo tem de melhor para o seu mercado interno e para todo o restante do país. Em seu editorial, a InterArq irá publicar o trabalho dos principais profissionais do interior do estado, com projetos residenciais, corporativos e mostras de decoração. As empresas também têm espaço nas seções Destaque - que mostra marcas de sucesso do interior, com produtos de qualidade espalhados por todo território nacional e pelo exterior - e Dicas, onde o leitor vai encontrar as melhores empresas e produtos do mercado.
The InterArq House is a biannual magazine dedicated to architecture, interior decoration and landscaping. With differentiated material, high circulation, layout clean and high quality photos, the publication show what the interior of Sao Paulo has to offer to the market and the rest of the world. In the editorial, the InterArq publish the work of leading professionals in the state, with residential projects, corporate and decor shows. Companies also have space in the sections: Highlight - shows that successful brands of the interior, with quality products all over the country and around the world - and Tips - where the reader will find the best companies and products in the market.
La InterArq Casa es una revista semestral dedicada a los segmentos de arquitetura, decoración de interiores y paisajismo de São Paulo, Brazil. Con material diferenciado alta circulación, de diseño limpio y fotos de calidad alta, la publicación informa lo que interior de São Paulo tiene de mejor para su mercado interno y para todo el restante del país. En su editorial, la InterArq irá a publicar el trabajo de los profesionales líderes en el estado, con proyectos residenciales, corporativos y muestras de decoración. Las empresas también tienen espacio en las secciones “Destaque” - muestra las marcas de éxito del interior, con productos de calidad en todo el país y en el extranjero - y “Dicas”, donde el lector va a encontrar las mejores empresas y productos del mercado. The InterArq House is a biannual journal dedicated to segments of architecture, interior decoration and landscaping of São Paulo, Brazil. With differentiated material, high circulation, layout clean and high quality photos, the publication is to show what the interior of Sao Paulo has to offer to its domestic market and the rest of the country. In its editorial, the InterArq will publish the work of leading practitioners in the state, with residential projects, corporate shows and decor. Companies also have space in the sections Highlight - shows that successful brands of the interior, with quality products all over the country and abroad - Tips and where the reader will find the best companies and products in the market.
The InterArq House is a biannual magazine dedicated to architecture, interior decoration and landscaping. With Differentiated material, high circulation, clean layout and high quality photos, the publication show what the interior of Sao Paulo has to offer to the market and the rest of the world. In the editorial, the InterArq publish the work of leading professionals in the state, with residential projects, corporate shows and decor. Companies Also have space in the sections: Highlight - That shows successful brands of the interior, with quality products all over the country and around the world - and Tips - where the reader will find the best companies and products in the market.
La Casa es una InterArq biannual journal dedicated to them segments of architecture, interior decoration y paisajismo São Paulo, Brazil. Con differentiated material high circulación, limpio de diseño y fotos de calidad high, la publicación informs you that the interior of São Paulo to tiene su mejor of the internal market for all y el del rest country. En su editorial, it will be published InterArq el trabajo de los profesionales en el state leaders, con proyectos residenciales, corporate y Muestras of decoration. Las companies también tienen espacio en las secciones "Highlight" - muestra las marks éxito del interior, commodities con el de calidad en todo en el extranjero country y - y "Tips", where va el lector find companies las mejores y del commodities marketplace.