About ファミリースタート
吉岡 マコ NPO 法人マドレボニータ代表理事/産後セルフケアインストラクター
宗田 聡 医師・医学博士・産業医 /「広尾レディース」院長
佐々木 裕子 助産師・看護学研究者 / 杏林大学 保健学部 准教授
加部一彦 埼玉医大総合医療センター 新生児科 教授・小児科医
※このアプリはすべての機能を無料でお使いいただけます。 The main features of the family start ■
* Efficient management of it should be prepared during pregnancy
Ask me for easy to understand at a glance the necessary preparation to childbirth and postpartum from during pregnancy.
Husband and wife in the install the same app, you can prepare to learn together.
The original production of supervision by a physician, is also safe for the first time of birth.
* From pregnancy to postpartum, lots of useful information
Comfortably spend tips to postpartum from pregnancy are delivered in accordance with the time,
You can easily care for mind and body.
* List the baby and their change in the photograph
Change in accordance with the baby to rapidly growing
Body during pregnancy, registered hospitalization, birth, a month checkup, the shrine ... important moments,
Enjoy it as an album.
* Use with everyone to make a team, collaboration and sharing capabilities
The parents and close friends invited as a "supporter", or to prepare for the post-partum together,
You can share photos and comment.
Supporters in the app, will be displayed in the avatar icon.
Ask them snuggled up to the start of the new family as a more familiar presence.
■ family start of the concept
"Family Start" is to prepare the application for the couple to greet the future birth to start a life with a new family.
This app is not just for pregnant women. Husband, parents, close friends. Spent a preparation period together with people who are looking forward to the birth, it is the app to foster the important ties.
It leads to a new all of the people through the application surrounding the pregnant women, want to build a relationship with each other reaching out like family. The word "family Start", it has such a thought also rice.
■ production
NPO Madre Bonita
■ maternity of self-care content copyright
Yoshioka Mako the NPO Madre Bonita representative director / postpartum self-care instructor
■ supervision
Sota Satoshi doctors, Doctor of Medicine and Industrial physician / "Hiroo Ladies" director
Yuko Sasaki midwives, nursing researcher / Kyorin University Health Faculty Associate Professor
Kabe Kazuhiko Saitama Medical University Medical Center neonatal Professor pediatrician
※ This app is you can use all of the features for free.