About Английская грамматика
Aнглийский язык - краткий справочник по базовой грамматике английского языка
(Quick Reference of Basic English Grammar)
Общая часть (General)
- Алфавит (Alphabet)
Имена существительные (Nouns)
- Артикли (Articles)
- Множественное число (Plural)
- Неисчислимые существительные (Uncountable nouns)
- Заглавные буквы (Capital letters)
- Род (Gender)
- Существительные в притяжательной форме (Nouns indicating possession)
Местоимения (Pronouns)
- Личные местоимения (Personal pronouns)
- Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive pronouns)
- Возвратные местоимения (Reflexive pronouns)
- Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative pronouns)
- Вопросительные местоимения (Interrogative pronouns)
- Неопределённые местоимения (Indefinite pronouns)
- Взаимные местоимения (Reciprocal pronouns)
- Относительные местоимения (Relative pronouns)
Имена прилагательные (Adjectives)
- Степени сравнения (Comparison)
- Порядок прилагательных (Oder of adjectives)
- Прилагательные и предлоги (Adjectives and prepositions)
Наречия (Adverbs)
- Образование наречий (Formation of adverbs)
- Наречия интенсивности действия (Intensifying adverbs)
- Наречия времени (Adverbs of time)
- Наречия места (Adverbs of place)
- Наречия образа действия (Adverbs of manner)
- Степени сравнения (Comparison)
- Место наречий в предложении (Position of adverbs)
Глаголы (Verbs)
- Простое настоящее время (The present simple tense)
- Настоящее длительное время (The present continuous tense)
- Настоящее совершенное время (The present perfect tense)
- Настоящее перфектно-длительное время (The present perfect continuous tense)
- Простое прошедшее время (The past simple tense)
- Прошедшее длительное время (The past continuous tense)
- Прошедшее совершенное время (The past perfect tense)
- Прошедшее перфектно-длительное время (The past perfect continuous tense)
- Простое будущее время (The future simple tense)
- Будущее длительное время (The future continuous tense)
- Будущее совершенное время (The future perfect tense)
- Будущее перфектно-длительное время (The future perfect continuous tense)
- Формы выражения будущего времени (Expressing the future)
- Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs)
- "Used to"
- Повелительное наклонение (Imperative)
- Страдательный залог (Passive)
- Инфинитив (Infinitive)
- Герундий (Gerund)
- Причастие настоящего времени (Present participle)
- Причастие прошедшего времени (Past participle)
- Глаголы и предлоги (Verbs and prepositions)
- Неправильные глаголы (Irregular verbs)
Числительные (Numerals)
- Количественные числительные (Cardinal numbers)
- Порядковые числительные (Ordinal numbers)
- Дроби (Fractions)
- Время (Time)
- Дата (Date)
- Счёт, вычисления (Calculations)
Союзы (Conjunctions)
- Сочинительные союзы (Coordinating conjunctions)
- Подчинительные союзы (Subordinating conjunctions)
- Соотносительные союзы (Correlative conjunctions)
Предлоги (Prepositions)
- Предлоги места (Prepositions of place)
- Предлоги движения (Prepositions of direction)
- Предлоги времени (Prepositions of time)
Предложения (Sentences)
- Определительные придаточные предложения (Relative clauses)
- Условные предложения (Conditionals)
- "Wish"
- Косвенная речь (Reported speech) Angliysky language - a short guide to the basic grammar of English language
(Quick Reference of Basic English Grammar)
The total of the (General)
- Letters (Alphabet)
Nouns (Nouns)
- ARTICLE (Articles)
- Plural (Plural)
- Uncountable nouns (Uncountable nouns)
- Caps (Capital letters)
- Gender (Gender)
- Nouns in the possessive form (Nouns indicating possession)
Pronouns (Pronouns)
- Personal Pronouns (Personal pronouns)
- Possessive pronouns (Possessive pronouns)
- Reflexive pronouns (Reflexive pronouns)
- Demonstrative pronouns (Demonstrative pronouns)
- Interrogative pronouns (Interrogative pronouns)
- Indefinite pronoun (Indefinite pronouns)
- Reciprocal pronouns (Reciprocal pronouns)
- Relative pronouns (Relative pronouns)
Adjectives (Adjectives)
- Degrees of comparison (Comparison)
- The order of adjectives (Oder of adjectives)
- Adjectives and prepositions (Adjectives and prepositions)
Adverbs (Adverbs)
- Adverbs Education (Formation of adverbs)
- Adverbs of intensity steps (Intensifying adverbs)
- Time adverbs (Adverbs of time)
- Place adverbs (Adverbs of place)
- Adverbs of manner (Adverbs of manner)
- Degrees of comparison (Comparison)
- Adverbs of place in a sentence (Position of adverbs)
The verbs (Verbs)
- Simple Currently (The present simple tense)
- Present a long time (The present continuous tense)
- The present perfect tense (The present perfect tense)
- Real-perfect for a long time (The present perfect continuous tense)
- Simple past tense (The past simple tense)
- Past a long time (The past continuous tense)
- The past perfect tense (The past perfect tense)
- Past-perfect for a long time (The past perfect continuous tense)
- Simple future (The future simple tense)
- The future for a long time (The future continuous tense)
- The future perfect tense (The future perfect tense)
- Future-perfect for a long time (The future perfect continuous tense)
- Future tense forms of expression (Expressing the future)
- Modal verbs (Modal verbs)
- "Used to"
- Imperative (Imperative)
- The passive voice (Passive)
- Infinitive (Infinitive)
- Gerund (Gerund)
- The present participle (Present participle)
- Past participle (Past participle)
- Verbs and prepositions (Verbs and prepositions)
- Irregular verbs (Irregular verbs)
Numerals (Numerals)
- Cardinal numbers (Cardinal numbers)
- Ordinal numbers (Ordinal numbers)
- Fractions (Fractions)
- Time (Time)
- Date (Date)
- Account, calculation (Calculations)
Unions (Conjunctions)
- Coordinative conjunctions (Coordinating conjunctions)
- Subordinating conjunctions (Subordinating conjunctions)
- Correlative unions (Correlative conjunctions)
Prepositions (Prepositions)
- Prepositions of place (Prepositions of place)
- Prepositions of movement (Prepositions of direction)
- Prepositions of time (Prepositions of time)
Offers (Sentences)
- Attributive clauses (Relative clauses)
- Conditional sentences (Conditionals)
- "I Wish"
- Reported speech (Reported speech)
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