اقتباسات الكرتونية للانمي for Android
كم وعبر وموعظه فالحياه عبارتها : أذهلتنا , حفزتنا , أفرحتنا , أحزنتنا , أضحكتنا حملت معـاني عميقه , لامست قلوبنا
و علق جزء كبير منها في عقولنا.
أحبائي في الله, إخترنا لكم في هدا التطبيق تطبيق اقوال أنمي خالدة و رائعة (Anime 2016) بدون انترنت اقتباسات لشخصيات الانمي متل ون بيس و ناروتو شيبودن و مدكرة الموت و المحقق كونان و بليتش و دراقون بول , مقولات و كلمات رائعه قالتها شخصيه بالانمي لإغناء رصيدكم المعرفي في هدا المجال.
مرحبا بكم في هذا التطبيق الجديد و المتقن التصميم و الرائع الذي سيبهركم بالمحتوى الذي وضعنا فيه و الفريد من نوعه من اجلكم و هو موجه لجميع عشاق و محبي الانمي (otaku) في العالم العربي.
أحبائي في الله,
انه تطبيق العلم و الثقافة تطبيق اعظم مقولات و اقتباسات الانمي.
تطبيق اقتباسات كرتونية والأنمي يحتوي على مقولات جد مهمة للعديد من أقوى شخصيات الانمي, التي تركت بصمتها في قلوب جميع محبي الانمي و هو موجه لجميع الفئات العمرية.
This app is designed for those who love anime. Here you can find a great collection of quotes from various anime. Constant updates, beautiful minimalist design, also a huge variety of settings, notifications of new quotes, the possibility to bookmark and download them to your device - makes this application really interesting and at the same time simple to use. These quotes are divided into categories, that gives you possibility to read every anime individually. Finally, you can use the convenient internal search, and if you do not have a network connection, you can read offline.
Quotations for anime cartoon contains the sayings he likes and the rule of anime are sayings of the wise Oedm cartoon characters and anime .aqgual and likes anime and the rule of wise sayings and selected the likes of anime cartoon substitute for readings folders inspire watch anime translator.How and through exhortation Life is its expression: we are bewildered, motivated us, Ofarahtna, saddened, Odgtna carried the meanings of deep, touched our hearts
And a large part of it stuck in our minds.
Beloved in God, Our Choice in Hedda application application sayings Anime immortal and wonderful (Anime 2016) without Internet quotes figures anime Mattel One Piece and Naruto and Mdkrh death and Detective Conan and Bleach and Dracon Paul, sayings and wonderful lyrics Condi personal Balanme to enrich Rshehadkm knowledge in this field.
Hello to you in this new application and masterly design and magnificent Sabhrkm content that we put in it and the unique sakes and it is directed to all lovers and fans of anime (otaku) in the Arab world.
Beloved in God,
It is the application of science and culture, the application of the greatest sayings and quotations anime.
Application quotations cartoon and anime contain arguments very important to many of the most powerful figures anime, which made its mark in the hearts of all lovers of anime and is addressed to all age groups.
This app is designed for those who love anime. Here you can find a great collection of quotes from various anime. Constant updates, beautiful minimalist design, also a huge variety of settings, notifications of new quotes, the possibility to bookmark and download them to your device - makes this application really interesting and at the same time simple to use. These quotes are divided into categories, that gives you possibility to read every anime individually. Finally, you can use the convenient internal search, and if you do not have a network connection, you can read offline.