About 838 English Proverbs (Traditional Chinese)
838 Useful Common English Proverbs encompassing Chinese Proverbs, Literature and Writing, Labor and Idleness, Fortune and Misfortune, Example and Precept, Education and Experience, Customs and Habits, Cause and Effect, Books and Library, Art and Artist, Today and Tomorrow, Teaching and Learning, Husband and Wife, Law and Justice, Success and Failure, Friend and Enemy, Wisdom and Foolishness, Man and Woman, Similarity and Difference, Life and Death, Forgive and Forget, Bravery and Courage, Beginning and Ending, Big and Small, Beauty and Ugliness, Appearance and Heart, Absence and Presence, Actions and Words, Advice and Counsel, Peace and War, Rich and Poor, Ambition and Zeal, Birth and Breeding, Black and White, Borrowing and Begging, Business and Trade, Chance and Opportunity, Character and Manners, Come and Go, Doctor and Medicine, Early and Late, Fame and Honor, Freedom and Liberty, Genius and Talent, God and Devil, Gold and Gems, Happiness and Sorrow, High and Low, Hope and Optimism, Hunger and Anger, and Kindness and Cruelty.