급성 뇌졸중환자 치료의 질개선 (qulaity improvement)을 위해 다기관 혈전용해치료 현황, 실시간 신경학적악화 캡쳐(capture) 및 뇌졸중 입원환자 보고를 통하여 뇌졸중 치료를 담당하는 구성원간 정보를 공유하고 피드백을 주고 받기 위한 프로그램.
- stroke QI quality improvement Smart SmartQI Improve the quality of care of acute stroke patients (qulaity improvement) multicenter thrombolytic therapy for status, real-time capture of neurological deterioration (capture) and stroke stroke care throughout the patient is responsible for reporting the information sharing between members for giving and receiving feedback programs.
- Stroke QI quality improvement Smart SmartQI