About Relux Magazine(リラックスマガジン)
・高級旅館・高級ホテルを厳選し、どこよりもお得に宿泊をすることができる会員制宿泊予約サイト「Relux(リラックス)」が運営している、旅にまつわる日本のモノやコトを伝えるメディア「Relux Magazine(リラックスマガジン)」のAndroidアプリが登場です。
和、風情、侘び寂び、おもてなし――。 いろいろな言葉で表現される、日本。そんな日本が一冊の雑誌だとしたら、そこには数え切れないほどの特集やページがあります。それは、人や食、四季や自然、芸術、あるいは手に取ることのできないものかもしれません。Relux Magazineのページをめくりながら、旅にまつわる日本の素敵なモノやコトに出会ってほしい。そして、実際にその場所に出かけ、見て、聞いて、旅のよろこびに触れてほしい。日本の魅力を再発見し、”新しい日本と出逢う旅”を満喫してみませんか?
Relux Magazineが目指すのは、旅をより楽しいものにするきっかけとなるメディアであることです。 私たちは、旅にまつわる日本のモノやコトをより深くまで切り取ることで、それを実現できると考えました。 例えば、地域の特産品を紹介するとき。観光名所を紹介するとき。 たとえ手に取ることこそできなくても、そこにある想いや歴史はきちんと伝わっているだろうか。ページをめくりながら、いつか行ってみたいと思えるだろうか。 そんな自問自答を重ねながら、一流旅館・ホテルの宿泊予約サイト Relux(リラックス)を運営する私たちだからできる情報発信を続けていきます。
Relux Magazineで新しい日本と出逢うきっかけを作ってみませんか。 · Carefully selected luxury B & luxury hotel, where than can be an accommodation to the deals also members-only booking site "Relux (relax)" has managed, media to convey the Japan of goods and things surrounding journey " Relux magazine (relax magazine) "Android app is the emergence of.
· Drew Japan hotels and B & Bs and tourist information spots.
· "Like turning the pages of a magazine, turn the page of Japan." We originated the Japan of goods and things surrounding journey motto.
Sum, taste, wabi sabi, hospitality -. It is expressed in a variety of words, Japan. When you have such Japan is that it is one book of the magazine, there there is a special edition and pages of countless. It is, people and food, the four seasons and natural, you might thing that can not be taken to the art or the manual. While turning the Relux Magazine of the page, I want you to meet nice things and things of Japan surrounding journey. Soshite, actually two that location two go out, look at the hand, heard hand, travel Roh joy similar to touch the hand you want. Re-discover the Japan of charm, why not enjoy the "new Japan and come across journey"?
Relux Magazine that the aim is that it is the media that trigger the more enjoyable the journey. We are, by cutting more deeply the Japan of goods and things surrounding journey, we thought to be able to realize it. For example, when you introduce the regional specialties. When introducing tourist attractions. Or would have even if you can not what to take in hand, thought and history is transmitted properly there. While turning the pages, it would seem the want to go someday. While repeated such ask yourself, will continue to disseminate information that can be because it is us who run a first-class B & hotel accommodation booking site Relux (relax).
Features of the app]
- Anyone can visit a summary article about the inn and tourist attractions for free.
- luxury B & carefully selected luxury hotel, where is also packed with information of the inn, which is posted on the members-only booking site "Relux (relax)", which can be an accommodation to deals than.
- Japanese area, also makes it easy to search for articles that are summarized for each keyword.
· LINE, Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, you can easily share with family and friends.
■ It is recommended to those who like
· Encounter a "new Japan", I want to re-discover the Japan of charm.
- dating and want to go out a little.
· If you want to plan your next travel destination.
Hotel Ya inn Roh detailed information wo know you want.
- not only the travel of the spot, should also stick to the accommodation.
- we want to realize the notch on the journey.
Relux Magazine in the new Japan and come across Why not make an opportunity.