Biblia para niños en vídeo for Android
Está aplicación recoge las historias de la biblia en dibujos animados del antiguo testamento hasta el nacimiento de Jesucristo. Es muy buena para los niños aunque incompleta pues falta la parte de la vida pública de Jesús adulto al menos hasta su resurrección!
My kids loved
Very low resolution it took forever to load the videos and before they load there were so many ads I waited like 5 minutes I never got to see the video
Cool game I like it hooola
Great idea, kids need to about God and Jesus
It works very well. Thank you very much.
app name.......!! Love the sets!
I liked it.
The best
Crashed as soon as i started it
Norm app
Excellent work and good idea. Nice user interface. I like this application. Awesome. Thanks.
Cool game I like it hooola
It's not something or a subject I would subject children to and the app kept crashing
This is actually very good for kids and very educative
It works very well.
Good work Samsung glaxy s3
Very nice and wonderful app
by X####:
Doesnt work please dont waste your time. As they the free isnt always the best. Search an alternative. I was really exited because the cover picture of the app and the "videos" are amazin. But you click it doesnt work. No good. My internet is 10 g untlimited, so no excuse