Story Planner for Writers

Story Planner for Writers$2.99

Rated 4.15/5 (223) —  Free Android application by Literautas


About Story Planner for Writers

The outline is one of the most powerful weapons for a writer. Now you can easily outline your stories wherever you are thanks to Story Planner, the best story-mapping and organizational stories tool ever.

With Story Planner YOU WILL:
• create as many writing projects as you wish
• create characters and locations for your stories
• create the scenes for your story step by step
• arrange your scenes
• link characters and locations to the scenes
• export your writing projects to text files (.rtf and .txt) and Final Draft
• and the most awesome feature… GET YOUR STORY STATS!!!

Thanks to the STORY STATS, you WILL:
• see your whole story at a glance
• choose the right outline for your stories
• choose the best structure for your scenes
• get cohesion and balance in your novels, screenplays or tales

What are you waiting for?
Let Story Planner helps you write better stories!

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How to Download / Install

Download and install Story Planner for Writers version 2.4.4 on your Android device!
Downloaded 5,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.literautas.storyplanner, download Story Planner for Writers.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Minor bug fixes.
Happy writing!
Version update Story Planner for Writers was updated to version 2.4.4
More downloads  Story Planner for Writers reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads
Price update  Price changed from $1.49 to $2.99.
Version update Story Planner for Writers was updated to version 2.3.2

What are users saying about Story Planner for Writers

by V####:

Any chance a dev can make it possible to rearrange cards? Unless I'm missing how to, I can't organize card order for anything once they're created. I have a system, and sometimes things change or don't flow in order- would be great if I could move things around during development. :)

by N####:

I like this app and it's super helpful for planning and organization or my novel/comic ideas but... there isn't a view only option... if I want to read through what I've already written I have to go about as if I was editing. I can't just swipe through and read everything properly, which should be a big part of a planner app. That is a big annoyance to me, but for the price I stil like it.

by X####:

Personally I'd like to be able to add sub locations. I'm writing scenes situated on large spaceships and I'm having to name the locations as '*Ship name* - Main Hangar', '*Other ship name* - Bridge' etc... and it's getting a bit messy. Otherwise it's a great app. Thanks for developing =)

by Q####:

Namely the ability to sync or export between devices so I can write notes on my android phone and then continue on another device such as my iPad/or other android tablet. It's the one feature that stops me using this app on android sadly and thus makes it pretty useless (for me).

by O####:

Update 9-12-16th: Still buggy, worse than before after update. App crashes when I try to open any file. Please fix ASAP, I paid for this. Original Review: Nice, clean app that I was looking forward to using but it's too buggy to be functionable. I can't even see what I'm typing and the app adds unwanted punctuation. Also, randomly switches to spanish language and save files disappear. Contacted the developer and was told there will be an update. Still waiting. Please fix!

by Q####:

I really like this app it's clean and simple compared to some other apps. The one thing that I notice that I would like to see implemented would a section in character section to put relationship with other characters from the characters list.

by Q####:

A very useful tool. Personally, I'd like to have the possibility of adding chronological details. Links to images and other visual documents should be implemented, too

by J####:

Really useful for plotting. Is there a way to export these to another phone? I'm writing in a partnership so it would be really useful to be able to send updated outlines back and forth.

by Q####:

As far as it goes this app is nicely done and certainly a reasonable price. The element that strikes me as strange is the lack of anywhere to actually write your story. From my perspective it would be better to be able to plan and write your story within the same app, rather than switch back and forth between two pieces of software. Improved support for syncing would be helpful and it'd be great to be able to fire this up in Windows too so that you could write on your mobile, sync and then open it up in Windows or a Chromebook to get into the meatier parts. As of 1st Sept 2016 I also lost a substantial amount of text I'd written in the Notes field of a scene after an error popped up saying Story Planner was not responding. I'm not sure if I'd hit the limit of text for that field and it just crashed or if it was coincidental. However it's a vulnerability as there's no clear way to save your work on a regular basis or control over it - you just exit the are you're writing in and it's saved. That doesn't have a great user feel (it should save automatically but make it clear it's done so). I do hope they continue to develop the app and create further apps as well.

by Q####:

Pretty cool for organizing elements and very clean slick design.... but is it not possible to drag and drop around index cards/scenes? Or did I miss something

by C####:

Great app but an outdated icon and interface keeps it from being truly eye catching among all of the modern material design apps. Would love to see it revamped with a fresher style.

by K####:

I'm glad there's an android equivalent to A Novel Idea. Sadly this doesn't connect across all of your devices, so people might want to be aware of that :/ Otherwise, it's good.

by N####:

No option to sync or export a project as native format so I can open it on another device with this app?

by Q####:

So far so good, wish you could put pictures like covers or "cast"

by Q####:

For just outlining, this app is excellent and definitely deserving of five stars. However, the way exports of these detailed outlines look is absolutely terrible. I don't know anything about creating apps, but I feel like there's got to be a way to have the detailed bits and a clear space to actually write that can be exported without looking like trash.

by Q####:

I love the feel of constructing a story in this app, but I really need the ability to sync across devices (via Google Drive would be ideal). At least allow us to export from one device and import on another until you add a sync feature. I would also love options to export as markdown and HTML.

by Q####:

this app could be indispensable and as it stands it's a very good outliner for budding writers. i repored a bug regarding duplication and this was resolved very quickly by the developers. Top notch service on that front. The killer feature this is missing is some kind of import/syncing. It's so frustrating not being able to write 'on the go' on a phone and not being able to continue editing the story plan on a larger screen tablet and vice versa. I'd use this app constantly if it wasn't for this omission. Fingers crossed some kind of google drive or dropbox syncing can be accommodated.

by Q####:

I like this app quite a bit. It's simple, it does what it says, and you do the rest. I've had no issues whatsoever, and it has a place for just about everything you could ever put into a story. Ultimately, you're building an outline, and I'd export that as a txt file to Evernote or something similar, perhaps at regular iterations.

by Q####:

I really appreciate this app and it's very nice to use for organizing stories, but I wish it can sync through google or something. I don't want to lose all my data in case my phone breaks or resets. But other than that, it's a nice app.

by L####:

Just what I need. I put 4 stars only for not that accurate translation of Russian interface, hope it will be polished :)

by O####:

Yeah. It's smooth and well-organized. A way to sync across devices as others have stated would be amazing. Perhaps a proprietary file type? In terms of small additions, a blank option that you could edit in some of the set fields would be cool., for example the character role. If I could choose Group as the role to group characters together... or a separate group tab all together... but yeah that's just small stuff. Syncing though!!!

by Q####:

I have been looking for this kind of app for awhile. It is perfect for someone like me who already have the ideas in my head but need to organize the cards in proper sequence and insert new ones as it come. Wish for an offline voice to text input for ideas on the go. Sync with other devices should be a standard feature

by N####:

I absolutely love this app, but the most recent update brought some glitches with it: notably, inability to export projects (I get a "Story Planner has stopped" error) and getting locked in on a section -- for example, editing the a scene in the "scenes" section means I can't go back and have to edit the app and reopen it. Everything saves still, but it's very inconvenient.

by J####:

Really perfect for jotting down various character and plot notes. Agree with others that it would be nice to be able to sync between devices. I'd also like to see an option to export as .doc format to open with Google docs.

by Q####:

Dropbox or Google Drive sync?

by Q####:

Doesn't export

by Q####:


by I####:

This organizes my ideas better than I ever could myself and keeps them all in a central location so I don't lose them or important pieces of them. Like, I'm super scatterbrained all the time when it comes to writing, so something like this is a godsend for someone like me. I'll admit though, the lists become kind of hard to organize if you have too many characters. It'd be kind of nice if there were folders or groups I could use to keep certain characters or locations together for easier locating.

by Q####:

Would like to see ability to share across devices. This app is almost as powerful as PC apps costing a hundred dollars or more. It's convenient, sitting right here on my phone. You still need to envisage the app categories in your mind when tying everything together. But that's the same with any piece of story telling software. Or scrap of notepaper. It's important to note that the people behind the app are dedicated story tellers and instructors, judging by their website and published materials.

by H####:

This app is amazing. I outline and get things going whenever ideas come to me, and then export to rtf and paste into scrivener! My one request is: can we pretty pretty pretty please get Google drive, / one drive, / or Dropbox support? So we can link our accounts and back up the app data? I dread the day that I would need to wipe my phone, or accidentally uninstall the app. This app is too great. It needs a safety net of redundancy for all the valuable info and effort put into it by users.

by S####:

Would like to see ability to share across devices. This app is almost as powerful as PC apps costing a hundred dollars or more. It's convenient, sitting right here on my phone. You still need to envisage the app categories in your mind when tying everything together. But that's the same with any piece of story telling software. Or scrap of notepaper. It's important to note that the people behind the app are dedicated story tellers and instructors, judging by their website and published materials.

by R####:

This organizes my ideas better than I ever could myself and keeps them all in a central location so I don't lose them or important pieces of them. Like, I'm super scatterbrained all the time when it comes to writing, so something like this is a godsend for someone like me. I'll admit though, the lists become kind of hard to organize if you have too many characters. It'd be kind of nice if there were folders or groups I could use to keep certain characters or locations together for easier locating.

by S####:

It is really cool BUT how do you save your work if you have this app on an android tablet or if you need to reset your phone?

by Z####:

A great app, but could be even better. If you could insert pictures so you can see what the cover of the story is. As well as auto capitalization but that is not necessary.

by H####:

I've been playing around with a lot of different writing apps, but this one is def. A favourite. I wish the app makers would try their hand at a book writing app (book creator). They've already got the rest of it in the bag.

by S####:

Absolutely brilliant. I like how you can reorganize chapters in between chapters with instant organization

by K####:

Was pasting in text for a scene description which forced close. Now can no longer view scene list without app crashing. Waiting to hear back after reporting the issue. Not optimistic and hoping I don't regret this purchase. Update: Yes it's possible I pasted in special characters. I need the app to be able to support all types of character sets/encoding. Didn't realize it couldn't.

by S####:

Useful, but limited by local data storage. I hope in the future they include cloud saves, either on their own servers or by storing the data on Dropbox, so that I can go from phone to tablet and won't have to worry about buying a new device in the future.

by S####:

Great app. It really helps me organise and plan all the ideas that pop into my head. It would be even better if you could copy and paste character cards. Instead of slowly copying and pasting line by line of information to other projects that use the same characters. This apps worth every penny.

by S####:

Well organized and covers the essentials for getting a story together. However, the export function doesn't work at all. Please fix this.

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223 users