About antenne 1
ANTENNE 1-To-Go: With this app, Baden-Wuerttembergs most popular and most listened to commercial broadcaster is with you, no matter where you are. You will be able to listen to our program worldwide in first-rate quality.
In addition the ANTENNE 1-APP informs you promptly about everything that concerns you. Stay up to date with the latest news from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany and the world. Glance through our traffic-cameras to see what is happening on the highways and roads in Baden-Wuerrtemberg. Furthermore the app will keep you up to date with the latest traffic congestions and speed cameras in the federal state twenty-four-seven. Also, the app provides you with the latest weather report for your area.
You want to know what song you just heard on the programm? Just check out the playlist you can find on the app.
And there is more to come: You can be a reporter yourself and let us know what is happening around you. Whether you want to report a traffic congestion, whether you have spotted a speed camera or you have witnessed a particular interessting event - with the ANTENNE 1-APP you can record short audio takes while you are on the go and send it directly to us. The same applies if you have captured the moment in a picture or taped a video - just send it to us. We are looking forward to all your stories.
All of the above and many other features are provided to you by the ANTENNE 1-APP - your mobile radio-station.
You will be able to receive the live stream via Edge, 3G and WLAN. Please note: If your contract does not include a data flatrate, streaming may result in high fees. This is an ad-funded offering.
We are constantly working on additional updates and are open for any impulses and suggested improvements. Please send us a message by using the feedback feature on the app.
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