DikaU for Android
Wujudkan rasa kasih sayangmu dengan mengetahui keadaan si Dia setiap saat dan kapanpun Kau inginkan.
Pantau putra putri anda saat bermain tanpa repot menelepon atau khawatir.
Pantau karyawan anda di lapangan untuk mengurangi resiko ketidak disiplinan dan ketidak jujuran.
Jangan takut tersesat jika bepergian kemanapun.
Jangan panik jika ponsel hilang, karena dengan memanfaatkan fitur lacak maling ponsel anda akan memberitahu keberadaanya melalui sms.
Dapatkan informasi laju kecepatan orang terdekat anda dengan informasi sms setiap kali berkendara melebihi batas kecepatan.
Temukan keberadaan handphone anda saat lupa meletakan dengan fitur sms alarm.
Achieve a sense of affection to know the state of the He at any time and whenever you want.
Monitor your son or daughter while playing without the hassle calling or worry.
Monitor your employees in the field to reduce the risk of indiscipline and dishonesty.
Do not be afraid of getting lost when traveling anywhere.
Do not panic if the phone is lost, because by utilizing the features of your phone to track the thief will tell the whereabouts via SMS.
Get the speed information with the information of your nearest sms every time driving over the speed limit.
Find where your phone while forgetting to put the alarm sms feature.