Character Story Planner

Character Story Planner Free App

Rated 4.39/5 (5,455) —  Free Android application by lfantasia


About Character Story Planner

This app creation is intended to be used for planning character development
It featured the list of detail that user need to fill for creating character story
Character planner is targeted for writer which involve in creating games such as RPG maker or other engine, books, plays, etc and everyones who wants to plan to create the story from character detail background

Its function for creating character by character planner chart will draft your character idea to be used in building up your character for story-based project.(Novel, drama, RPG)
Function included in character planner :
- Make list of character
- Send your Character draft
- Create your own custom character detail
- Create relation between character
- Group the character by series
- Ask others for opinion

Next Update:
Content Generator
Drawing Sheets
Share and save Character between User from Cloud

How to Download / Install

Download and install Character Story Planner version 3.0.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:, download Character Story Planner.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Character is now searchable by inputting world
Add World Tab
add ability to back up to SD card and restore from SD card
Add in app purchase - remove ads - toolbar color change
Enabled Drag and Drop feature to reorganize character, story, scene, and location
Version update Character Story Planner was updated to version 3.0.2
More downloads  Character Story Planner reached 100 000 - 500 000 downloads

What are users saying about Character Story Planner

by A####:

Though I don't use this app for story characters because I don't wright books. I use this app for my drawings. I love seeing personalities and traits so being able to make my own is amazing. Where it says World/Verse I put the date I drew the drawing and that's also very helpful. I do plan on writing a book about animal abuse in the future though so this app will come in handy.

by D####:

All in all, it's really good at doing it's job, so one major thing you could add are categories for races and organizations. I think people who write fantasy and sci-fi would really appreciate it, but in the meantime, the new World tab is great!

by X####:

My life is now complete. With a TON of books I want to start writing, this helps a LOT. I just wish I got it before I started writing them on paper and then losing the paper. I even tried to memorize some of my character names and what yhey look like. This saved me HOURS of time this month. And i have to say, my favorite feeling is when you're done and you look at it overall and feel like you're looking through someone's files. I can't even describe hoq much I love it!!! Thank you!!!!!

by C####:

It is a must-have app for writers. EDIT: In the World tab (from Biology to Magic), when I write a long description, it cuts most of it and only shows one line of text when I save it. Please fix.

by D####:

A great app, though it could be better. Being able to import/export the data in a folder with the character's stats in a .txt format would really earn the fifth star for me otherwise it's everything I was looking for. Keep at it developers!

by P####:

Awesome way to keep track, and build a story. One of my favorite apps. I would like to some new features like giving more detail options for the "race" section and maybe being able to add multiple governments. But 5 stars all around

by D####:

Is very unorganized this was a big help! Even throw I don't. write per say I do have little spurts of inspiration and this is really helpful!

by C####:

10/10 Love this app!!! Its so beautifully organized and straight forward. Makes designing a world and characters super easy and breaks everything down.

by O####:

I tend not to be organised and with all the ideas I want to write it is really hard to be able to follow all stories without getting confused. It helped me organising and I like how it is detailed. Great app :)

by D####:

While its the best app for its intended purpose its constrictions are annoying when trying to develop a complex narrative. There seems to be no general notes page, and you have to create a scene separately and then add it to a world or character which is an odd process.while I highly recommend this app you really have to use it in tandem with others.

by D####:

Finally something to help writing along and character development. But would be nice if it had an organizations/factions tab or race for you know them sci-fi writers and stuff.

by E####:

Pretty good to keep track of things. One feature I'd love to see is an option to copy a custom trait to all other characters, or simply submit it as a new default.

by D####:

My go-to app for coherently designing and fleshing out characters. Love that it's still being updated and REALLY like the addition of the new 1-tap backup, and PDF export options. Superb!

by D####:

Very easy to organize, a variety of options for not only character building, but also extensive world building. Perfect to take well organized notes about a D&D campaign, for instance (both for player and DM). Great app!

by H####:

This is one excellent character creation nothing just everything I needed to and then some damn genius and very impressive don't let any idiot negative reviews get you going this is very impressive piece of a half now I got to go my cat thinks he's Naruto he's using Shadow clone Jutsu they got the price of cat food

by D####:

It's absolutely great to keep track of all my characters. Even the ones from differing stories! As a writer, it's great due to all in depth character developing pages such as basic information, appearance, back stories, and other great pages. You can even make relationship pages to rate how your character feels about other characters. I highly recommend this app too any other writer.

by D####:

The backup feature doesn't work so I lost all characters and progress when my phone broke.

by F####:

Love the app so far but it would be nice if you could have a gallery for each character if you had more than one good image of them. Also, since it doesn't seem to say anywhere, what's the difference between free and pro?

by D####:

My only regret is there is no option that is higher than a five.

by D####:

How to use the dialogue? because im having a hard time in using dialogue which makes it a bit disorienting

by Q####:

I'm confused about the scene option, there is something named dialogue and when I try to edit it, it says "in progress". Does this mean this is gonna be updated soon?

by D####:

Thanks for the reply, I'll look forward to updates, especially the dialogue section. Also, please consider an "Item" category.

by D####:

Really great but I wish there was a way to organize charrecters. Also I don't think you can change the font

by J####:

Really great app! !! It's easy to use and fun! I love it! But there are a few glitches. But still, great!

by F####:

5 stars easy. No app like it. Developer clearly states how the app functions, and then delivers exactly what he/she promised. I cannot wait for future updates. Thank you for making this app.

by A####:

The thing is very helpful, but the relations slide won't let me delete something I dont Need. The auto also very annoying, so I give 4 stars

by D####:

This is like the best app ever. It's easy to use like very easy and very creative and I have never find an app so entertaining and fulfilling. LOVE IT

by D####:

Now I can keep my thoughts together. Adding pics helps solidify many of the references I would otherwise have to commit to memory

by D####:

There needs to be a city, town, country, and province option in Worlds! That would be amazing.

by D####:

Confusing setup is all I have to say

by X####:

Seems shifty...? They could be stealing your characters?

by D####:

I played it for 1 second and I hated it

by D####:

Самое лучшее из всего что я использовала, спасибо большое за это чудо

by D####:

This is exactly what I've been looking for, its brilliant!

by D####:

Love this app. The more detail I add, the more realistic my mental picture of my characters is. 10/10

by J####:

It really helped me develop my characters.

by Q####:

Pretty f*ckin awesome! It was exactly what I needed to help me get started

by D####:

It really helps me organize my stories and characters and plan my books it's amazing

by X####:

Sync characters to an account is needed.

by Y####:

Constant updates annoying

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