Nuta Mobile for Android
Fitur :
1. Input transaksi kasir/ penjualan
2. Input transaksi pembelian ke supplier
3. Input transaksi koreksi stok untuk menginput stok awal di stand/ booth atau pengiriman bahan dari kantor pusat
4. Input uang modal untuk kembalian ketika stand/ booth mulai dibuka
5. Input transaksi uang keluar untuk kebutuhan operasional stand/ booth
6. Bisa melakukan promosi di instagram langsung melalui aplikasi Nuta
7. Bisa mencetak struk belanja ke printer bluetooth
8. Bisa melihat laporan penjualan per hari, per minggu per bulan
9. Bisa melihat laporan rekap penjualan/ omset
10. Bisa melihat laporan stok
11. Bisa melihat laporan laba
12. Bisa memantau kondisi bisnis semua stand/ booth di seluruh indonesia. Anda sebagai pemilik bisnis bisa melihat stand/ booth mana yang paling laris, kurang laris dan di jam berapa stand itu biasanya laris ataupun tidak.
This application is for Indonesia only
Applications for your mobile cashier owners stand / booth food nor drink. Application is easy to use, fast in inputing cash register transactions, it can be used offline and online, is able to create reports turnover every day / week / month, stock reports, data will be transmitted to the cloud automatically, so the central office can view reports sales each stand / booth each day. Easy and very helpful.features:
1. Input transaction cashier / sales
2. Input purchases to suppliers
3. Input correction of the stock transaction to enter the stock early in the stand / booth or delivery of materials from headquarters
4. Input capital to return the money when the stand / booth opened
5. Input transaction money out to the operational needs stand / booth
6. Can be promoting in instagram directly through the application Nuta
7. Can print a receipt to the printer bluetooth
8. Can view reports of sales per day, per week per month
9. Could see recap reports of sales / turnover
10. Could see stock report
11. Could see earnings reports
12. Can monitor business conditions all stand / booth throughout Indonesia. You as a business owner can see the stand / booth where it is most in demand, less selling and at what time it is usually best-selling stand or not.
This application is for Indonesia only
menu makanan di kasir bisa di ganti? Kalo bisa 5 bintang menanti, Gabisa back melalui tombol di hp harus klik di layar mohon perbaiki.
Kenapa dibedakan antara tablet dengan hp?, padahal value yang ditawarkan adalah kasir yang simple bukan? Edit daftar barang lebih baik dengan cara touch & hold, jangan di swipe. Tombol back harusnya masuk ke menu utama, ini tidak ada proses ke sana.
Good job
by L####:
Apakah menu kasir bisa dijalankan juga di PC?