About Kisstores
Kisstores merupakan toko online yang menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan Pendingin. Pemakaian produk kami semakin merata dari perusahaan farmasi, rumah sakit, PMI, perikanan, makanan, minuman, makanan beku, Ice cream, kue, coklat,yogurt, juice, eksportir sayuran, dll. Konsumen dapat berbelanja online dengan aman, nyaman, mudah dan menyenangkan berbelanja di Kisstores. Kisstores an online store that sells a wide range Cooling needs. The use of our product more evenly from pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, Red Cross, fisheries, food, drinks, frozen food, ice cream, cake, chocolate, yogurt, juice, vegetable exporters, etc. Consumers can shop online with secure, convenient, easy and fun shopping in Kisstores.