UITRCE (This Upazila ICT Training and Resource Centers) -The main objective of the project is to establish ICT Training and Resource Centers in 128 Upazilas of the Country for Education Sector. This Upazila ICT Training and Resource Centers will be utilized for ICT training for teacher, access to information by the students, teachers and citizen and Local EMIS Data centers.Using this apps user capable to discern The detailed objectives of the project are stated as follows like-
a. Building Construction.
b. ICT Training Equipment.
c. EMIS Software Development.
d. Full Turn-Key Project.
e. Outcome of the Project.
f. List of Selected Upazila by Zone.
g. First Floor Plan.
h. Floor Area Analysis.
i. Technical Requirements of ICT Training Equipment in UITRCE.
j. Required Items for the Secondary Education Office & UITRCE Office.
k. Guest Room.
l. Server Room.
m. PC LAB.
n. Local Cyber Centre.
o. Training.
by Q####:
very helpful..