Evidencija Radnog Vremena for Android
Ovisno o potrebama okruženja apliakcija se može koristiti na smartphoneima ili na fiksno postavljenom tablet uređaju na ulazu u radne prostore.
Svi zapisi o dolascima i odlascima se automatski prenose u poslovni sustav Argosy, koji podržava sva zakonom propisana izvješća i obrade vezane uz evidenciju rada, te automatsko iniciranje obračuna dohodka koji se temelji na evidenciji radnog vremena.
The application supports the record of arrivals and departures at the workplace, as well as a record of business or personal dates during office hours. The application is fully integrated with the business information system Argosy. In this regard, requests deifniranje users, the licensing and business rules on the business information system.Depending on the needs of the environment severe caps can be used on smartphones or on a fixed position on the input tablet in workspaces.
All records of arrivals and departures are automatically transferred to the business system Argosy, which supports all statutory reports and process-related work records, and automatically initiate the calculation of income based on timekeeping.