About golo黄历
golo黄历是一款界面美观、操作简单、功能实用的手机黄历软件,支持简体和繁体中文、传统与现代界面切换、手势滑动翻看黄历,占用内存小,运行流畅。您可以查阅日辰时辰的吉凶宜忌、八字、节日节气等等;可以和好友转发分享趋吉避凶的心得感受;今天适合做什么事?什么事要避讳?选什么时辰最好?冲煞为何?golo黄历,一查便知! golo almanac is a beautiful interface, simple, functional and practical phone almanac software that supports Simplified and Traditional Chinese, traditional and modern interface switching, sliding gestures look almanac, occupies a small memory, running smoothly. You can check e hour of good and bad days Taboo, horoscopes, etc. festive throttle; may be forwarded and friends to share experiences feelings of good fortune; fit doing today? What happened to taboo? Choose what hour the best? Why ghosts? golo almanac, a check at a glance!