Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017

Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017 Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Falcon Sky Inc.


About Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017

Shiva Pembasmi Kejahatan, Shiva adalah serial animasi terrbaru besutan dari Bollywood yang kini tayang di antv. Shiva adalah anak pemberani, bersama teman-temannya ia bermain, berpetualang, dan menolong orang lain.

Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017 adalah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-lagu OST Shiva ANTV lengkap dan terbaik dilengkapi dengan lirik lagunya. Jika kamu penggemar berat Sinetron Anak - anak Shiva yang ditayangkan ANTV, anda pasti menyukai aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk kamu yang sangat suka dengan sinetron anak - anak Shiva. Didalamnya terdapat Lagu Ost Shiva, Kamu bisa mendengarkan Lagu antara lain: Aa Raha Ha Shiva, Shiva Musik Instrumen dan sebagainya.

Shiva antv sangat menghibur dengan grapik animasi 3D yang memukau dan indah. Kini kamu bisa mendengarkan lagu - lagu Shiva dalam aplikasi ini... agar bersemangat dalam menghadapi tantangan, rintangan, serta bahaya. ayo download sekarang juga. seorang anak yang bernama shiva dengan sepeda supernya, yang terus berusaha untuk membasmi para penjahat dengan kekuatan sepeda supernya. shiva adalah serial anak besutan bollywood yang kini tayang di televisi indonesia yaitu antv, seperti di kenal dengan sebutan shiva antv. ayo bantu shiva untuk mengalahkan orang-orang jahat. kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu dan liriknya dimanapun anda berada mohon Maaf bila terjadi kesalahan dalam aplikasi ini, silahkan share ke teman kamu. Terima Kasih.

Catatan: Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi, hanya buatan pengggemar untuk penggemar. Selamat mendengarkan lagu-lagu shiva dan semoga menghibur... Jika hanya untuk membaca lirik tidak diperlukan koneksi internet. Jika ingin membaca lirik sambil memainkan lagu harus memiliki koneksi internet yang lumayan cepat (minimal 3G, Wifi disarankan). Seluruh media/gambar/lagu adalah hak cipta dari pemegang hak cipta.

Disclaimer : All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the song. Hopefully with the presence of a collection of all songs could be useful for you all. thanks. Crime Busters Shiva, Shiva is the animated series terrbaru made from Bollywood who now live in the quiz. Shiva is a brave boy, along with his friends he was playing, adventure, and help others.

Songs Shiva & Bike Super 2017 is an application that contains a collection of songs OST Shiva quiz complete and best equipped with lyric. If you're a big fan of the soap opera Kids - Shiva children that aired the quiz, you'll love this app. This application is made for you who really like the sitcom children - son Shiva. It poses Song Ost Shiva, You can listen to the song include: Aa Raha Ha Shiva, Shiva Musical Instruments and so on.

Shiva antv very entertaining with stunning 3D graphic animation and beautiful. Now you can listen to the songs - songs Shiva in this app ... so eager to face the challenges, obstacles and dangers. let's download it now. a boy named shiva by bike superclass, who continue to strive to eradicate the criminals with the power of bicycles superclass. shiva is made by a child serial bollywood who now live in Indonesia, namely television quiz, as known as shiva quiz. shiva let's help to defeat the bad guys. You can listen to the songs and the lyrics wherever you are please Sorry if there was an error in this application, please share it with your friends. Thanks.

Note: This app is not an official application, only artificial pengggemar for fans. Welcome to listen to songs of shiva and hopefully entertaining ... if only to read the lyrics do not need an internet connection. If you want to read the lyrics while playing a song should have a fairly fast Internet connection (at least 3G, Wifi recommended). All media / picture / songs are copyright of the copyright holder.

Disclaimer: All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the song. Hopefully with the presence of a collection of all songs could be useful for you all. thanks.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017 version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.lagushiva.sepedasuper2017, download Lagu Shiva & Sepeda Super 2017.apk

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