About SRMBuzz
Important messages about events and developments by teams of various projects, clubs, fests and associations of SRM University lack a proper platform for publicity and notification and hence there is a serious requirement for setting up a standard notification system to provide timely updates to students and others, based on demand.
A reliable way to implement such a kind of system is by an android application, specially designed to serve for the needs of both the teams that need publicity as well as individuals seeking for information based on their interests and requirements.
About the SRM BUZZ Application
Team AAKASH came up with SRM BUZZ Application which has the potential to revolutionize the concept of college level notification system, which when implemented widely will give the power to every SRMite to access or publicize updates on various events and happenings.
SRM BUZZ is compatible with the AAKASH tablet and also on various android devices with required configurations for the application.
SRM BUZZ is managed and maintained with the help of an online server, where the representatives of teams that require notifying updates can use a specially designed portal which they are granted access to, which gives them the freedom and power to publicize abundantly.
The users of the application seeking for updates can personalize their preferences based on interests and hence giving them the capability to get connected to teams they’re members of or public info by all teams.
SRM BUZZ is made available to everyone, free of cost on the play store which can be downloaded by anyone having an android device that has minimum configurations required for running the application.
by D####:
Very useful