About Napotki SOS 112
če potrebujete nujno medicinsko pomoč, pomoč gasilcev, nujno veterinarsko pomoč, pomoč gorskih, jamarskih reševalcev, drugih reševalnih enot ali policije;
če opazite, da gori, izteka nevarna snov, da je onesnažena pitna voda, potok, reka ali morje, da grozi zemeljski ali snežni plaz, da so pretrgane električne ali telefonske žice ali če opazite druge pojave, ki predstavljajo nevarnost za življenje ali zdravje ljudi in živali ali za varnost premoženja, kulturne dediščine in okolja;
če ob nesreči ali zvečani nevarnosti naravne ali druge nesreče, pa tudi sicer, potrebujete informacije o motnjah pri preskrbi s pitno vodo, električno energijo in plinom, o motnjah v telefonskem omrežju ter o stanju snežne odeje v visokogorju. 112 Occupation:
if you need urgent medical assistance, fire fighters, emergency veterinary assistance, mountain, caving rescue personnel, other rescue units or the police;
if you notice that the mountain expiry of a hazardous substance that has polluted drinking water, stream, river or sea that threatened natural or avalanche that broken electrical or telephone wires, or if you notice any other phenomena that pose a threat to human life or health and animal health or the safety of property, cultural heritage and the environment;
if the event of an accident or an increased risk of natural or other disasters, as well as otherwise, you need information about disturbances in the supply of drinking water, electricity and gas, disruption to the telephone network and the status of snow in the high mountains.