About Lirik Cukup Tahu Lagu Riski F
Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna, professionally known as Rizky Febian, is an Indonesian singer, songwriter, actor and TV presenter. He is the eldest son of the Indonesian comedian Sule. He is famous for his single "Kesempurnaan Cinta"
Born: February 25, 1998 (age 19), Cileunyi
Albums: Kesempurnaan Cinta
Movies: Cahaya Cinta Pesantren, Hong Kong Runaway
Awards: Indonesian Choice Award for Song of the Year, MORE
Parents: Entis Sutisna, Lina
Cukup Tau
Penantian Berharga
Kesempurnaan Cinta
Terbaik Untukmu
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Aplikasi bersifat streaming, disarankan untuk menggunakan koneksi yang cepat seperti 3G/4G/WIFI untuk kelancaran mendengarkan lagu mp3 Tulus terbaru.
Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi official, hanya sebagai sarana untuk penggemar dan fans. Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna, professionally known as Rizky Febian, is an Indonesian singer, songwriter, actor and TV presenter. He is The Eldest son of the Indonesian comedian Sule. He is famous for his single "Love Perfection"
Born: February 25, 1998 (age 19), Cileunyi
Albums: Perfection of Love
Movies: Light of Love School, Hong Kong Runaway
Awards: Indonesian Choice Award for Song of the Year, MORE
Parents: Entis Sutisna, Lina
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Waiting Valuable
perfection Love
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Applications are streamed, it is recommended to use a fast connection such as 3G / 4G / WiFi for smooth listen to the latest songs mp3 Tulus.
This application is not official application, only as a means for fans and fans.