Kokteli for Android
Pronađite recepte uz pomoć sastojaka koje već imate u kući uz samo par klikova.
Možete postavljati vaše koktele uz pomoć aplikacije i tako ih deliti sa drugim ljudima.
Alkometar proračunava procenat alkohola u krvi na osnovu unetih informacija. Napomena: Rezultat nije tačan rezultat količine alkohola u vašoj krvi. Na to utiče mnogo faktora ali daje približnu vrednost.
Koktel je u originalu mešavina destiliranog alkohola, šećera, vode i gorkih pića. Sastojci koktela su i voćni sokovi, med, led, mleko, biljke... Gin, whiskey, rum, tequila, brandy ili vodka su samo neki od najčešćih alkoholnih sastojaka koktela.
Search recipes for cocktails and become a cocktail master with the help of the application.Find recipes with the help of ingredients you already have in the house with just a few clicks.
You can post your cocktails with the help of applications and so they share with other people.
Alkometar calculates the percentage of alcohol in the blood based on the information you have entered. Note: The result is not the exact result of the amount of alcohol in your blood. At this affects a lot of factors but gives an approximate value.
Cocktail in the original mixture of distilled alcohol, sugar, water and bitter drinks. Ingredients are cocktails and fruit juices, honey, ice, milk, plants ... gin, whiskey, rum, tequila, brandy or vodka are just a few of the most common ingredients of alcoholic cocktails.
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