About Kok Bisa?
Hanya Berusaha Menyebarluaskan Pengetahuan. Copyright Tetap Dimiliki Pembuat Konten.
Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menarik perhatian publik adalah melalui media sosial, termasuk di dalamnya YouTube. Banyak netizen yang telah berhasil menjadi populer melalui media sosial ini. Selain untuk menjadi populer, beberapa pihak justru menggunakannya untuk berbagi pengetahuan, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Kok Bisa?.
Beroperasi sejak Juni 2015 lalu, channel Kok Bisa menghadirkan berbagai video yang sarat dengan tren yang banyak dibicarakan masyarakat luas. Beberapa karya yang telah dihasilkan antara lain adalah Kenapa Jakarta Macet Banget?, Kenapa Internet di Indonesia Lemot? dan 20 video informatif lainnya.
Utamakan kualitas dibandingkan kuantitas
Channel YouTube ini dikembangkan oleh Gerald Sebastian, Alvin Disatputra, dan Ketut Yoga Yudistira. Bisa dibilang, channel Kok Bisa membawakan video dengan cara berbeda, berupa video ilustrasi dan infografis untuk menjawab berbagai pertanyaan yang kerap mencuat di masyarakat.
“Awalnya kami buat channel ini karena prihatin dengan banyak tayangan yang kurang bermutu di Indonesia. Lalu kami membuat konsep menghadirkan channel edukasi dengan menggunakan infografis,” ucap Gerald.
Untuk membuat konsep ini matang, mereka memulai dengan mencari beragam pertanyaan ringan yang sedang hangat dibicarakan masyarakat. Konten yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut merupakan hasil penelusuran atau riset sederhana yang dilakukan oleh Alvin. Biasanya riset dilakukan melalui jurnal-jurnal internasional yang kemudian dirajut menjadi sebuah naskah.
Selanjutnya, Gerald membuat berbagai ilustrasi untuk melengkapi naskah buatan Alvin. Terakhir, semua bahan tersebut digabungkan oleh Yoga menjadi sebuah video edukasi, termasuk mengisi audio narasi (voice over) sepanjang video.
Ketiganya tak menyangka ternyata ide channel edukasi tersebut disambut baik oleh masyarakat, terutama pengguna YouTube. Kini mereka sudah mencatat berhasil memperoleh lebih dari 45.000 subscribers.
Meski telah terbilang memiliki banyak penonton setia, Gerald mengatakan bahwa kesulitan utama dalam mengundang orang-orang dalam menikmati tayangan yang disediakan. Ia menggunakan berbagai media online untuk promosi tayangan yang telah diselesaikan.
“Di awal hanya tersedia sekitar 15 subscriber. Kemudian saya aktif menggunakan Kaskus untuk menjaring netizen aktif berusia 15 hingga 20 tahun. Kemudian kami sebarkan juga di semua media sosial. Rumus kami konsistensi, bukan kuantitas video,” kenang Gerald.
Selain aktif untuk pasar nasional, mereka juga tengah mencoba memasuki ranah internasional melalui Reddit, namun Gerald menyayangkan bahwa media sosial tersebut diblokir di Indonesia.
Segala ilmu pengetahuan dimulai dari pertanyaan. Itu sebabnya, Kok Bisa ingin terus menciptakan pengalaman belajar sains yang inovatif dengan menjawab pertanyaan sehari-hari melalui video-video animasi edukatif. Melalui animasi, Kok Bisa percaya bahwa konsep yang rumit bisa digambarkan dengan kontekstual dan lebih mudah dipahami.
Tidak ada pertanyaan yang bodoh. Tanyakan pertanyaanmu di sini dan stay curious!
Kok Bisa Channel - partner of Layaria Network
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All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website.
Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
- All the streamed YouTube videos are copyrighted to their publishers
- This application does not download YouTube videos.
- This application does not display videos that were restricted by their publishers
- Please be carefully when you are not on WIFI for extra fees that you may pay for the over use of your internet connection when you stream many videos on internet.
- Background playing removed to respect Youtube Terms of Service
- Still if any one have any issue please email us on given developer ID. Thanks Just Trying To disseminate knowledge. Copyright Remain Held Creator.
One effective way to attract the public's attention is through social media, including YouTube. Many netizens who have managed to become popular through social media. In addition to being popular, some people actually use it to share knowledge, as is done by Kok Can ?.
In operation since June 2015 and, Kok channel can present a variety of video is loaded with much-discussed trend of the wider community. Some of the works that have been produced include Jakarta Loss Banget Why ?, Why Slow Internet in Indonesia? and 20 other informative video.
Prioritizing quality than quantity
YouTube Channel is developed by Gerald Sebastian, Alvin Disatputra, and Ketut Yoga Yudistira. Arguably, Kok channel video can be delivered in different ways, such as video illustrations and infographics to answer questions that are often stuck in the society.
"Initially, we created this channel as it was concerned with many impressions were inferior in Indonesia. Then we made the concept of presenting educational channel by using infographics, "said Gerald.
To make this concept a mature, they begin to look for a variety of mild question that is being discussed community. Content used to answer this question is the result of a search or simple research conducted by Alvin. Usually the research is done through international journals which are then woven into a script.
Furthermore, Gerald made illustrations to complement the artificial script Alvin. Finally, all the ingredients are combined by Yoga became an educational video, including filling audio narration (voice over) throughout the video.
The three did not think it turned out the educational channel idea was well received by the public, especially users of YouTube. Now they've been recorded successfully obtained more than 45,000 subscribers.
Although it has been considered to have a lot of loyal viewers, Gerald said that the main difficulty in inviting people to enjoy the show provided. He uses a variety of online media for promotion of impressions that have been resolved.
"In the beginning only provided about 15 subscribers. Then I actively using Kaskus to encompass active netizens aged 15 to 20 years. Then we spread well across all social media. Our formula consistency, not quantity of video, "recalls Gerald.
Besides being active on the national market, they are also trying to get into the international sphere through Reddit, but Gerald regrets that social media is banned in Indonesia.
All science starts from the question. That is why, Why Can wish to continue creating innovative science learning experience by answering daily questions via animated educational videos. Through animation, How could believe that such a complex concept can be described with contextual and more easily understood.
No question is stupid. Ask your question here and stay curious!
How Can Channel - partner of Layaria Network
All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites.
Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
- All the streamed YouTube videos are copyrighted to Reviews their publishers
- This application does not download YouTube videos.
- This application does not display videos that were restricted by Reviews their publishers
- Please be carefully when you are not on the WIFI for extra fees that you may pay for the over-use of your internet connection when you stream many videos on the internet.
- Background playing removed to respect YouTube Terms of Service
- Still if any one have any issue please email us on given developer ID. Thanks