Watch Finder for Android Wear for Android
It does what it says it will do. Unfortunately, I found it to be too annoying to keep on my phone. It goes off every time I lose connection or turn off the watch. The sound is loud and the volume cannot be adjusted. The "don't again" button doesn't work half the time. It would be nice if there are options for the volume of the alarm.
Displays nothing for me. Just stuck at 'finding watch'.
The amount of times I forget my phone or not sure where I left is slightly embarrassing. But with this app, I can find it really easy. It even let's me know when I'm out of range.
It crashes on the watch. It crashes on phone 10 times per day. Annoying.
App would not recognize that phone was connected to watch. Had to use another app I found.
A poor app it doesn't work to find your smartwatch.
Will notify when out of range...but when back in range it still triggers alarm as if out of range.
Could be a good app but alarm keeps going off every time I go away from phone even when it's on silent. Please resolve this
Lost my watch, so I installed this app to find it. The locate watch option did nothing. I eventually located my watch the old fashioned way, and tested the "locate watch" feature. Absolutely no response from my Huawei Watch.
Trial only very annoying!
Simply didn't work on my Nexus 6p and moto 360 2nd gen
When I press Locate Watch, it stutters on my phone
I dislike
Great app, but menu seems confusing, nothing aimed at notification for just watch or just phone, just seen to be one does all. For me i need more control over notification sound vibrate and popups for each device.
A poor app it doesn't work to find your smartwatch.
Does exactly what it supposes to do
But one more thing! Add mute it for some time. Like for 30 mins or one hour
I just switched from a Gear Live to a G Watch (they are so not the same). The G Watch is triggering the disconnect notice within 18 inches of my phone. @@
But one more thing! Voice command FIND MY PHONE is not supposed yet
Silent option now added! Great app!
They need to be more clear about the fact that this app expires and needs to be purchased.
While this app is a good idea, design is left to desire. It basically does what is supposed to and you can turn off the annoying notifications. I would have rated more but all of a sudden the app claims that it has expired, while going premium does nothing. This I thought was a free app and the advertising confirms it there is also a donate to developer, I just don't get the going premium and expiration pop up. Please fix.
Unable to upgrade to premium.
Alarm is poorly implemented, using find my phone just hangs, and last location crashes app. Might be the WORST app I've paid for.
I thought this would be a good app just in case I needed it but I turned my watch off at work and it just would not stop sounding the alarm even after I hit the don't sound button or whatever. I can't have my phone going off every 10 mins st work. I'd get fired.
Didn't get a chance to evaluate even if it's a good app or not. Terrible music keeps going off by default every 5mins. "Don't Again" option doesn't work. No option to change the music, slow it down or just to et to vibrate.. Or nothing that I could within a good min. Waste of effort on developer's part of he made it just for the music to take off!
If it had the option just to vibrate instead of making an alarm go off when I leave my watch at home that would be great, it goes off even if the phone is on silent.
Goes off way too frequently, even when I'm near my watch and phone it goes off
If watch disconnects from phone I never get alerted
Alarm chimes even if the phone is on vibrate. No bueno.
Could be a good app but alarm keeps going off every time I go away from phone even when it's on silent. Please resolve this
Disconnects and sounds alarm multiple times per day even when on silent
Good idea but needs options to change ringtone and or set to vibrate. Could be 5 star app with a little work.
Great design, love the simplicity. Gives you No options as far as turning the service off and switching the alarm for a vibrate or a visual notification.
It does what it says it will do. Unfortunately, I found it to be too annoying to keep on my phone. It goes off every time I lose connection or turn off the watch. The sound is loud and the volume cannot be adjusted. The "don't again" button doesn't work half the time. It would be nice if there are options for the volume of the alarm.
Useless it needs to be connected to bluetooth and the watches don't make noise which i know isnt the devs fault but it makes the app useless as a watch locator
Tell the app to not alert you again, and it will continue to alert you anyway.
This is a good app but I uninstalled it. Most of the permissions are reasonable, but why do you need access to my files and why would you need to modify or delete them? If it didn't require access to my files, I would purchase the premium version.
by N####:
Confusing for me