About Kocka
Klasična kocka za družabne igre
Vrži kocko z enim samim dotikom na zaslonu .
Daj vaš pametni telefon ali tablični poleg družabne igre in igre .
Ne bo več treba iskati kocke pod mizo , posteljo ali kavč .
Klasične kocke za družabne igre ali kocke .
Vrgel ena do pet kock z enim samim dotikom na zaslonu .
Drugačni barvi kocka in ozadje .
Statistika vrže kocke ( številke in odstotki ) .
Daj vaš pametni telefon ali tablični poleg družabne igre in igre .
Ne bo več treba iskati kocke pod mizo , posteljo ali kavčem . The classic cube games
Throw the dice with a single touch on the screen.
Give your smartphone or tablet in addition to games and games.
You will no longer need to search for a cube under the table, bed or sofa.
Classic dice games or dice.
I threw one to five cubes with a single touch on the screen.
Different colored cube and background.
Statistics throwing dice (numbers and percentages).
Give your smartphone or tablet in addition to games and games.
You will no longer need to search for a cube under the table, bed or sofa.