간편 심리 검사 for Android
우울증, 자존감, 자아청제성, 불안감, 스트레스 등등 간단한 자가 진단 테스를 진행해 볼 수 있습니다.
이 검사는 간편 심리검사임으로 보다 정확하고 자세한 정보를 알고 싶으시다면 상담센터의 심리검사와 전문가의 해석을 받으싶시오.
A hearing test his character, adaptation, psychological health and interpersonal relationships or when you want to know about suitability, etc., check that you can go through the check out their psychological characteristics and abilities objectively and systematically.Depression can be seen proceed self-esteem, self Authority solvent, anxiety, stress and so on a simple self-diagnostic test.
This test is more accurate than arbitrarily simple psychological test and you want to know more detailed information, please want to seek the interpretation of psychological tests and specialist counseling center.