About Medic - 영한 의학 용어집
11574개의 전문 의학용어집으로 영,한 문자 검색, 알파벳별 리스트, 영 단어 음성지원, 끝으로 위키피디아로 상세 설명이동합니다. 사용법이 단순하고, DB가 내장되어 있어 속도가 빠릅니다. 7인치 테블릿(주로 넥서스 7)에 화면 최적화 되어있고, 향후 랭킹이나 유사단어리스팅, 타 외국어 추가할 예정입니다.
This app includes approximately 11574 medical terminologies (currently, English/Korean). It enables search any character/ words in both English and Korean, listing by alphabets, English medical terminology TTS(Text to Speech), and guiding to Wikipedia. It actually is very easy to use and fast enough as built-in DB. Its screen layout is optimised for tablets (eg, Nexus 7). In the future, popular medical terminology ranking or thesaurus and other foreign languages will be supported.
Enjoy your study and save time! Young professional medical glossary of 11,574, a text search, the list by alphabet, English words sound support, go to the end of the description in Wikipedia. Using this simple, DB is built faster. 7 inches tablet (mainly Nexus 7) is optimized for a screen, and the next ranking and listing similar words, will add other languages.
This app includes approximately 11574 medical terminologies (currently, English / Korean). It enables search any character / words in both English and Korean, listing by alphabets, English medical terminology TTS (Text to Speech), and guiding to Wikipedia. It actually is very easy to use and fast enough as built-in DB. Its screen layout is optimised for tablets (eg, Nexus 7). In the future, popular medical terminology ranking or thesaurus and other foreign languages will be supported.
Enjoy your study and save time!