Syarah Kitab Aqidatul Awam

Syarah Kitab Aqidatul Awam Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Hadits Shahih Apps


About Syarah Kitab Aqidatul Awam

“Aqidatul Awam” karya Syaikh AllauDza’i Al Allamah As Syayyid Ahmad Al
Marzuqi Al Maliki, semoga Allah meberikan rahmat kepadanya.
Saya mengumpulkannya ketika mencari ilmu (belajar) di Tanah Haram Makkah
Al Mukarommah pada Murobbi ruh kami Al Walid As Syaikh Al Allamah Al
Muhaddits Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al Maliki, semoga Allah memberikan
manfaat pada kami melalui beliau dan ilmunya. Saya mengumpulkan atas
perintah beliau walaupun saya bukan ahli dalam bidang ini. Saya
mengambilkan intisari dari berbagai kitab yang pernah beliau ajarkan.
Oleh sebab itu kitab tersebut bukan karya saya, saya sekedar
mengumpulkannya setelah melalui proses pemeriksaan (penelitian) dengan
memperhatikan (menyebutkan) dalil – dari Al Qur’an dan Hadits.

Semoga Bermanfaat Insha allah. "Aqidatul Awam" by Shaykh Al Allama AllauDza'i As Syayyid Ahmad Al
Marzuqi Al Maliki, may God gave the grace to him.
I collect when seeking knowledge (learning) in the Land of Haram Makkah
Al Mukarommah on our spirit murobbi As Al Walid Al Allama Shaikh Al
Muhaddits Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al Maliki, may God give
benefit to us through him and his knowledge. I gather up
he commands even though I am not an expert in this field. I
get the essence of the book that he ever taught.
Therefore, the book is not my work, I just
collect them after going through the inspection process (research) with
pay attention (to mention) proposition - from the Qur'an and Hadith.

Hopefully Helpful Insha allah.

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.kitabaqidatulawam.haditsshahih, download Syarah Kitab Aqidatul Awam.apk

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