Kisah Nabi Idris a.s for Android
Dikatakan bahwa Idris lahir dan tinggal di Babil, Irak, untuk berdakwah kepada kaumnya yang bernama Bani Qabil dan Memfis. Sedangkan beberapa kisah menyebutkan, Idris lahir di daerah Munaf, Mesir. Namanya disebutkan sebanyak 2 kali dalam Al-Qur'an.
Idris (Arabic: إدريس Bible: Enoch) (about 4533-4188 BC) or the Prophet Idris is one of the apostles who were first given the task of communicating the message to his people. He was granted prophethood by God after Adam and Syits.It is said that Idris was born and lives in Babil, Iraq, to preach to his people called Children of Cain and Memphis. While some of the stories mention, Idris was born in the area Munaf, Egypt. His name was mentioned as much as 2 times in the Qur'an.