Kisah Nabi Dzulkifli a.s for Android
Sejak kecil hingga dewasa tidak pernah bohong. Semua janji yang diucapkannya selalu ditepati sehingga teman-teman dan orang sangat senang padanya. Bagi orang yang belum mengenal pribadinya lebih jauh akan merasa iba melihatnya. Sebab semua tingka lakunya mencerminkan kebenaran.
Stories, stories, and the history of the Prophet Zulkifli AS - Zulkifli was the son of the prophet Ayyub. Thus he was grandson of the prophet Abraham. Zulkifli was recruited as prophets and apostles, after his father. His first name is Basyardan it includes people who are patient.From childhood to adulthood never lie. All appointments are spoken always be kept so that friends and people really liked him. For people who do not know any further personal will feel sorry to see it. For all tingka behavior reflect the truth.