Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul for Android
Kata "nabi" berasal dari kata naba yang berarti "dari tempat yang tinggi"; karena itu orang 'yang di tempat tinggi' semestinya punya penglihatan ke tempat yang jauh (prediksi masa depan) yang disebut nubuwwah.
Para Nabi boleh menyampaikan wahyu yang diterimanya tetapi tidak punya kewajiban atas umat tertentu atau wilayah tertentu. Sementara, kata "rasul" berasal dari kata risala yang berarti penyampaian. Karena itu, para rasul, setelah lebih dulu diangkat sebagai nabi, bertugas menyampaikan wahyu dengan kewajiban atas suatu umat atau wilayah tertentu. Dari semua rasul, Muhammad sebagai 'Nabi Penutup' yang mendapat gelar resmi di dalam Al-Qur'an Rasulullah adalah satu-satunya yang kewajibannya meliputi umat dan wilayah seluruh alam semesta 'Rahmatan lil Alamin'.
Percaya kepada para nabi dan para rasul merupakan Rukun Iman yang keempat dalam Islam.
Semoga Bermanfaat, agar kita bisa lebih mengenal Nabi Nabi kita.
Terima Kasih
The story of 25 prophets and messengers is an application that summarizes the stories of 25 of the Prophet of Islam. This application is compiled from various reliable sources. It is suitable for Muslims to learn about the prophets and stories in spreading the religion of Allah. With this application, you can read wherever and whenever you want. The story about the history of Acts 25 Nabi and Rasul Complete According to the Koran and Islamic teachings.The word "prophet" comes from the word naba means "on high"; Therefore the 'on high' should have the vision to distant sites (future predictions) called nubuwwah.
The Prophet permitted to pass revelations that he received but no obligation on certain people or certain regions. Meanwhile, the word "apostle" comes from the word meaning submission Risala. Therefore, the apostles, after first appointed as a prophet, in charge of revelation to the obligation of a people or a particular region. Of all the apostles, Muhammad as "the Seal of Prophets 'who gets the official title in the Qur'an the Prophet is the only one whose duties include the people and territory of the entire universe Rahmatan lil Alamin'.
Believe in the prophets and apostles are the four Pillars of Faith in Islam.
Hopefully Helpful, so that we can get to know our Prophet Prophet.
Thank you