قصة انا بوليسي وهي شفارة for Android
لا تنسو التصويت بخمسة نجوم ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
نحن نرحب بإستفساراتكم وإقتراحاتكم لمساهمة في تطوير هذا التطبيق، ونتمنى أن لا تنسوا التقييم لتشجيعنا. وشكراً
قراءة ممتعة.
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و في الاخير اتمنى ان ينال التطبيق رضاكم ولا تنسوا تقيم التطبيق وشكرا
The application tells the story of a young man named Mahdi, his father died, which has a 24-year-knead and since then he and his mother, officials from their family, consisting of two sisters, 15-year-old, he joined the police and the child passed the exam and was accepted, and I'll leave you here are ye story interesting reading,Tansu not voting five-star ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We welcome your inquiry and suggestions to contribute to the development of this application, and we hope that does not forget the evaluation of encouragement. Thank you
Interesting reading.
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And in the fourth I hope to obtain the application and do not forget your satisfaction evaluate the application and thank you