King Evolution for Android
Robot forex kami sudah banyak yang sudah membuktikan dari berbagai kalangan, karena cara kerja yang otomatis sehingga tidak mengganggu pekerjaan yang ada.
Program kami juga didukung oleh Asosiasi AutoTrading Nusantara sebagai wadah anggota untuk mendapatkan dan bertukar informasi juga sebagai edukasi dibidang trading forex untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan finansial bersama-sama
KINGEVO is a software development company (Expert Advisor) or tools in the world's foreign exchange transactions are automatically more familiar known in the world of forex robot trading, where we already proved its quality and testing it in the world of forex trading for more than 10 years. Software development is done by people who are highly experienced in their field and are also supported by the management team and the support team of competent IT field making KINGEVO growing and will become larger in the future.Our forex robots have been many who have already proved from various circles, because the way that automatically and does not interfere with existing jobs.
Our program is also supported by the Association of autotrading Nusantara as a forum member to obtain and exchange information as well as education in the field of forex trading to gain financial success together
by Q####:
Bussined and financial solution