About Amistad Cristiana Memphis
AMISTAD CRISTIANA Es una Iglesia en pleno crecimiento, conocida principalmente por la manifestacion gloriosa de su reino, Adoracion, Liberacion, Milagros, Sanidades, Maravillas, Prodigios y la Exposicion de la Palabra. * GANAR: Extender el evangelio del reino a los pobres de espiritu, los enfermos, los deprimidos y todo ser humano sobre la faz de la tierra. * AFIRMAR: Llevar a cada persona que ha venido a los pies del Señor a consolidarlo creando base y fundamento. * PREPARAR: Adiestrar y equipar a cada discipulo a descubrir proposito y destino en su vida. * ENVIAR: Haciendo caso supremo al llamado de Dios, asi mismo comisionandolo para predicar su palabra. FRIENDSHIP CHRISTIAN is a growing church, known for the glorious manifestation of his kingdom, worship, deliverance, miracles, healings, miracles and wonders and the exposition of the Word. * WIN: Spread the gospel of the kingdom to the poor in spirit, sick, depressed and every human being on the face of the earth. * AFFIRM: Bring each person who has come to the Lord's feet to consolidate creating the basis and foundation. * PREPARE: To train and equip every pupil to discover purpose and destiny in life. * SEND: Making supreme heed the call of God, likewise commissioning him to preach his word.