About Kulinologi Indonesia
Apa itu kulinologi? Istilah kulinologi merupakan istilah ciptaan; gabungan antara kuliner dan teknologi. Menurut Research Chef Association; kulinologi (culinology) adalah suatu sinergi dari seni kuliner dan ilmu dan teknologi pangan. Kulinologi adalah the mixing of the technological side of food processing with that of the culinary aspects of food preparation to form the basis of food formulation, production and presentation to the consumer (Bob Dickson, Oregon State University).
Seni kuliner, sebagaimana didefinisikan oleh RCA, adalah suatu disiplin ilmu dan kebiasaan (practices) tentang seni dan keterampilan menyiapkan dan menyajikan pangan. Sedangkan ilmu pangan, menurut definisi Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang menggunakan dasar-dasar biologi, kimia, biokimia, fisika dan engineering untuk mempelajari sifat alami bahan pangan, penyebab kerusakan, prinsip-prinsip pengawetan dan pengolahan pangan, serta peningkatan mutu dan keamanan pangan untuk menjaga kesehatan publik. Jadi kulinologi merupakan cabang ilmu multi disiplin; khususnya kolaborasi antara disiplin kuliner dan disiplin ilmu dan teknologi pangan; untuk bisa menghasilkan pangan dengan mutu, keamanan, tampilan dan pengalaman makan yang lebih baik.
Kulinologi mengidentifikasi, mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menyebarkan praktek-praktek ilmiah untuk membuat produk pangan baik produk pangan itu diproduksi dan disiapkan di restoran, toko, hotel; atau di pabrik pengolahan pangan yang tidak hanya bercitarasa lebih enak, lebih indah, lebih menarik selera; tetapi juga sekaligus lebih aman dan konsisten mutunya.
Baca Majalah Kulinologi digital dalam bentuk pdf, untuk dibaca di tablet, komputer, handphone, dikirim dalam bentuk CD ke alamat Anda. What it kulinologi? The term is a term kulinologi creation; combination of culinary and technology. According to the Research Chef Association; kulinologi (culinology) is a synergy of culinary arts and food science and technology. Kulinologi is the mixing of the technological side of the food processing with that of the culinary aspects of food preparation to form the base of the food formulation, production and presentation to the consumer (Bob Dickson, Oregon State University).
Culinary arts, as defined by the RCA, is a discipline and habits (practices) of the art and skill of preparing and serving food. While the science of food, according to the definition of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), is a discipline that uses the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics and engineering to study the nature of foods, the causes of the damage, the principles of food preservation and processing, as well as improving the quality and safety of food to maintain public health. So kulinologi is a multi-disciplinary branch of science; particular culinary collaboration between disciplines and the discipline of food science and technology; able to produce food for the quality, safety, appearance and better eating experience.
Kulinologi identify, collect, analyze and disseminate scientific practices to make better food products food products that are produced and prepared in restaurants, stores, hotels, or in food processing plants are not only better flavor, more beautiful, more attractive taste: but also at the same time more secure and consistent quality.
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