Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya for Android
Tahlilan adalah ritual/upacara selamatan yang dilakukan sebagian umat Islam, kebanyakan di Indonesia dan kemungkinan di Malaysia, untuk memperingati dan mendoakan orang yang telah meninggal yang biasanya dilakukan pada hari pertama kematian hingga hari ketujuh, dan selanjutnya dilakukan pada hari ke-40, ke-100, kesatu tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya. Ada pula yang melakukan tahlilan pada hari ke-1000.
Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya is an app which purpose is to aid the muslim community to facilitate in performing the Tahlil Arwah ceremony which is often practiced by the muslims communities. The content of this app is best suited for the muslim community of Brunei Darussalam as well as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and others.
Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya is a book app that allows the Kitab Tahlil arwah to always be available on ones android phone or tablet. An android phone user will not be caught out without a Kitab Tahlil during "kenduri arwah" (muslim ceremony to pray for the dead, commonly practised in Malaysia,Brunei and Singapore). Available in arabic and Indonesia translation. Free version. Can be use Offline without Interent.
Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya ini mudah digunakan dan sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur. Senang difahami dan amat mesra pengguna terutama yang masih dibangku persekolahan. Buku yang menggunakan format PDF file untuk dibuka. Aplikasi ini memuat Tahlil yang amat berguna untuk kita semua. Kini mempelajari ilmu agama hanya dalam telefon pintar atau gadget anda sahaja. semuanya dihujung jari selari dengan arus pemodenan dan kecanggihan teknologi masa kini. Diharapkan aplikasi yang hebat ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan ilmu kepada kita semua dan diredhai ALLAH. INSYAALLAH.
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All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
Tahlilan is a ritual / ceremony selamatan done some Muslims, mostly in Indonesia and possibly in Malaysia, to commemorate and pray for those who have died is usually done on the first day of death until the seventh day, and then performed on the 40th day, ke- 100, unity first, second, third and so on. Some are doing tahlilan on day-1000.
Tahlil Spirits & translation is an app roomates purpose is to aid the Muslim community to Facilitate in performing the Requiem Tahlil ceremony Often the which is practiced by the muslims communities. The content of this app is best suited for the Muslim community of Brunei Darussalam as well as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and others.
Tahlil Spirits & translation is a book app that Allows the Book of Tahlil spirits to always be available on android phone or tablet ones. An android phone user will not be caught out without a book Tahlil during "feast ghost" (Muslim ceremony to pray for the dead, commonly Practised in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore). Available in arabic translation and Indonesia. Free version. Can be use Offline without Interent.
Tahlil Spirits & The translation is easy to use and suitable for all ages rankings. Glad to be understood and very affectionate, especially users who still dibangku schooling. Books that use the PDF format file to be opened. This application contains Tahlil which is very useful for us all. Now studying theology in just a smart phone or gadget you sahaja. everything dihujung finger pemodenan Selari with current and sophistication of today's technology. This great application is expected to provide benefits and knowledge to all of us and diredhai GOD. INSHA ALLAH.
All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.