About Jenama X
Pertama kali sebuah buku menghimpunkan cerita-cerita hasil karya 10 kartunis lejen tanahair. Sekian lama berpisah, kini mereka bersatu kembali di dalam komik Jenama X!
Baca PREVIEW 'Jenama X' - kompilasi komik antologi karya TERKINI dengan WATAK BARU kartunis lejen Aie, Bawang, Bijan, Gayour, Lengkuas, Nik, Sireh, Sukun, Tembakau dan Ubi.
Selain komik, anda juga boleh muaturun gambar wallpaper Jenama X terus ke peranti anda (akan ditambah dari masa ke semasa). Anda juga boleh beli komik dan barangan Jenama X terus melalui dalam app.
Swipe kiri dan kanan untuk menukar mukasurat. 'Pinch' atau 'tap' 2 kali untuk besar dan kecilkan imej.
Untuk mendapatkan komik Jenama X, boleh klik terus
Follow dan LIKE Jenama X di:
Website - jenamax.com
Facebook - komikjenamax
Instagram - @komikjenamax
NOTA: Versi 1.0 ini akan menampilkan karya Nik, Bawang, Gayour, Bijan dan Aie. Karya seterusnya akan dimuatkan pada update terbaru dalam masa terdekat ini. The first time a book brings together the stories of the work of 10 cartoonists lejen homeland. So long separated, they are now reunited in the comic Brand X!
Read PREVIEW 'Brand X' - a compilation of comics anthology UPDATES with NEW CHARACTER cartoonist lejen Aie, onion, sesame, Gayour, galangal, Nik, Sireh, Breadfruit, Tobacco and Sweet.
Besides comics, you can also download the wallpaper image Brand X directly to your device (to be added from time to time). You can also buy comics and stuff Brand X directly through the app.
Swipe left and right to switch pages. 'Pinch' or 'tap' 2 times to great and reduce images.
For comic Brand X, click continue
Follow and LIKE Brand X:
Website - jenamax.com
Facebook - komikjenamax
Instagram - @komikjenamax
NOTE: Version 1.0 will feature the work of Nik, Onion, Gayour, Bijan and AIE. The work will then be loaded on the latest updates in the near future.
by Z####:
Creative & Innovative