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诸葛亮在草庐中一觉醒来,吟道:“大梦谁先觉?平生我自知,草堂春睡足,窗外曰迟迟。” 苏东坡在赤壁边上高歌:“人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。”梦是每个人都会做的,它到底是怎么一回事?
有人说:“日有所思,夜有所梦。”那梦又能告诉我们自己心中隐藏的什么秘密呢?在人类的一切奥秘中,恐怕再也没有比那些来自人内心的奥秘更让人神往,让人不解的了。 无数人都在寻求梦的奥秘,“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”,梦中惬意无比,然而,一觉醒来,却不知是庄周梦蝶还是蝶梦庄周。圣人尚且如此,更遑论凡夫俗子。面对缥缈而又真实万分的梦境,迷茫、困惑之余,更期望能从中得到提示。
都说幸福生活从梦开始,希望《周公解梦》能为你探索梦境的秘密带来帮助。 Dream is a strange phenomenon, dream experience is common to all people, but in human culture, both ancient and modern, exploration of dreams has always been a mystery.
Zhuge Liang woke up, Yin said in Caolu: "The dream of his life I knew who should sleep, get enough sleep Cottage spring, said the delay in the window?." Su Dongpo singing at the edge of Red Cliff: "Life is a dream, a bottle also sprinkle Jiang Yue. "the dream is everyone will do it in the end is how the same thing?
Some say: "Riyousuosi night had a dream." That dream can tell us what the hidden secrets of your heart in it all the mysteries of the human's probably no higher than those from the mysteries of the human heart? fascinating, the puzzle. Many people are looking for the mystery of dreams, "Zhuang Shengxiao fans dream of butterflies," a dream very comfortable, however, they wake up, but I do not know Dreaming or butterfly dream Zhuang. Saints like this, let alone mortals. Face misty but very real dreams, confusion, confusion, we would also expect to get from the tips.
"Dream Dictionary" you will be able to solve the mystery! It is a book about the interpretation of dreams and divination, according to legend, Chinese Qin made famous statesman Zhougongdan, spread so far, it has become a model for Chinese culture dream of.
Said a happy life from the beginning of the dream, hope "Dream Dictionary" to explore the secret dream to bring help to you.