About 幼儿学拼音
幼儿学拼音是一款针对幼儿和儿童学习汉语拼音的软件。通过有趣的卡通图文及音频相结合的教学方式,让孩子能够轻松掌握声母、韵母、音调的读法和写法,在不知不觉中学习汉语拼音基础。幼儿学拼音融合了拼音笔顺、词组发音、声调,声母,韵母,整体认读音节和拼音字母表知识,并有四声调卡通插图以及朗朗上口的顺口溜,真正帮助孩子赢在起跑线。 Children learn Ruby is a targeted infants and children learn pinyin software. Teaching through fun cartoon graphics and audio combined, so that children can easily grasp consonants, vowels and tones of readings and writing, learning Pinyin basis unconsciously. Children learn the phonetic alphabet fusion sequence, pronounce phrases, tones, consonants, vowels, the overall recognition syllable and phonetic alphabet knowledge, and there are four tones cartoon illustrations and catchy jingle, really help the children win at the starting line.