To Be Continued for Android
Piece of s**t cant even load properly
Im pretty sure alot of people know what we were expecting with this app But its still kind fun
Well it takes forever to load .man hate it????????????
takes too long to load
Doesn't even load
Good app I wish there were more soundtracks
This app suks
I like it Mostly because I recorded a video and it was so funny and almost submitted it to YouTube
This isn't what i didnt pay for
Lol nice
I had my headphones on and that music SCARED ME XD
All it shows after I record is colorful lines...
I like it
This is too funny. I shoot any video and the app adds To Be Continued over the last part + dramatic music and a zoom in that makes it look like a real drama. I made a ton of these and my friends are cracking up. Way to go to you guys. keep it coming. It would be nice to have more endings.
Great app, could not stop laughing
by Z####:
I tried to enter and it won't open Sucks