About Local Weather
Download the most popular free weather app powered by the largest professional weather network in the world ! Our weather network delivers the fastest alerts and the best real-time forecasts (current, hourly and 7-day). Weather Forecast and Widgets brings Weather Clock, Currents Weather Info, Hourly , Daily Forecast, Weather Alerts, Google Map Location, Sharing Feature is Soon…
This weather app covers the United States, Europe, and Eastern Caribbean and offers animated weather radar with watch/warning boxes, global hurricane tracking, and cloud overlays. In-depth data about weather phenomena is offered: storm hail size, probability of hail, cloud top height or vertically integrated liquid.
This interactive app brings current, short term and long term weather information, with alerts when active weather hits. You can also track storms and read news articles so that you are always up-to-date. For drivers, there is a map called “Beat The Traffic” that displays current traffic conditions for major roads. The “Follow-me” feature automatically detects the forecast within 1 km/0.6 miles of your location.
• Dynamic Home Screen: get your current Location From Google Map and Ping it and You can See Your Current Weather.
• Forecasts: Every hours, 3-day and weekend forecasts.
• Detailed Current Conditions: get “feels like” weather, Temperature and many more in any place in the World.
• Background maps: standard
• Precise weather data from the nearest metro station
• Real-Time Pinpoint Forecasts: Get the most accurate current, hourly and 7-days weather forecasts
• By tapping this clock weather forecast widget, you can get a detailed weather report: current temperature, 7 days weather forecasts.
• Distinctive weather icon packs available to be applied to this clock weather widget.
• Multiple weather data sources, including Weather Underground and Open Weather Map.
• Lifestyle Forecasts: Know how weather will impact your sports games, workouts, allergies, chronic pain and much more
• Social weather: share storm tracking and radar data with your friends and family via text message, email, Facebook, or Twitter
Using GPS, Dark Sky is able to create forecasts for your precise location, giving you minute-by-minute predictions for the next hour and hour-by-hour forecasts for the next day and week.
Coverage Info:
Local Weather are available for the United States (Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, European Union (the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Italy (western), Denmark (southeast), Poland (western), Czech Republic, Austria (northwestern), Japan and Many More Country.