About 爱微梦(周公解梦社交版)
爱微梦手机客户端是一款Android平台下实用性很强的家庭实用软件之一。它可以随时随地记录您的梦境,系统通过强大的数据库可以自动为你解析并且有专业的解梦人员为你在线解答和反馈。你可以将每天梦境中发生的事或者一些有困惑性的梦通过一句话或者图片发布到互联网中与朋友们分享和交流。于此同时你还可以关注与你有同梦的人或者是相似人的梦境。爱微梦是最大的关于梦境分析与答疑的社区,每天有梦友在这里发布梦境,总有一个人会帮你的解决困惑!在爱微梦,你可以搜索线上积累的相关于梦的问题和回答,并且可从众多的解梦中快速设立最佳解析,同时通过帮助别人解梦,你可以交到朋友,增加人气! Love micro dream mobile client is one of the Android platform under a very practical utility software family. It can record anywhere your dreams, through a powerful database system can automatically parse and you have a professional staff for your dream online answers and feedback. You can dream things happen every day or some confused dreams of publishing to the Internet to share with friends and communicate through words or pictures. At the same time you can follow your dreams have the same or similar people who dream. Love micro Dream is the largest community on dream analysis and Q & A, there is a day dream dreams Friends posted here, there is always a person will help you solve the puzzle! In Love micro dream, you can search online to accumulate relevant questions and answers in a dream, and can be quickly set up to resolve the best from the numerous dream, and dream at the same time by helping others, you can make friends, increase the popularity!
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