About 新工商企业名录
新工商企业名录,汇集2008年以后注册、全国31个省份企业信息,包含如下特色:1、按需搜索:进入各省链接,可按行业、地区、注册年限几个路径,定制查找相关企业;2、完全免费:可实时查看企业联系方式,信息包含:公司名称、详细地址、法人、联系电话、注册日期;3、人性化功能:免费注册为本站会员,即可收藏企业在自己的注册帐户下,方便您随时拨打电话联系到对方。 List of new businesses, bringing together registered after 2008, the country's 31 provinces corporate information, including the following characteristics: 1, on-demand search: Go to link the provinces, according to industry, region, age registered several paths, customization find related business; 2 completely free: You can view real-time business contacts, information includes: company name, full address, legal person, telephone number, date of registration; 3, user-friendly features: Sign up for free membership site, you can collection companies in their registration account next, so you can always call the phone to each other.