About 佳源农业
佳源农业基于SLINK的基础上,将近距离无线组网通讯技术和云端服务应用在农业物联领域。通过网络远程参与、远程浇灌、在线偷菜享受健康愉悦的田园生活。佳源农业致力于为客户打造健康生活、绿色生活、有机生活。把最高标准的有机蔬菜输送到千家万户的餐桌是我们坚定不移的信念。 Good source of agriculture-based SLINK based on the short-range wireless network communication technology and cloud service applications in the field of agriculture-linked material. Remote participation through the network, remote watering, stealing food and enjoy a healthy and joyful online idyll. Good source of Agriculture is committed to create a healthy lifestyle, green living, organic living. The highest standards of organic vegetables delivered to every household's table is our firm conviction.