About KALA
حاسبة للبلوت و بنت الكالا (الهارتس) والتركس
Basic Lana and Lahum score list. The team who reaches 152 wins the round.
KALA covers all hearts rules, which you can disable/enable from the “Set Rules” menu item, and also while playing to set the doubled cards:
- Queen of Spades (13 and 26 when doubled)
- Jack of Diamonds (-10)
- 10 of Diamonds (10 and 20 when doubled)
- King of Clubs (20 and 40 when doubled)
Maximum score is 300.
Trex singles and teams are covered in the KALA calculator. You can set the mode through the menu. Selecting the kingdom, and by completing the set of contracts, it will automatically move the kingdom to the next player. The contracts are:
- King of Hearts (-75)
- Queen (-25 each)
- Diamonds (-10 each)
- Collections (-15 each trick)
- Trex or “r9” (1st 200, 2nd 150, 3rd 100, 4th 50)
Sum of each kingdom will be zero.
by N####:
I am big kala